

03月04日 编辑 39baobao.com


The full name of AIDS is "Aquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome", while its abbrevation "AIDS" also means to help. Truly, tens of thousands of AIDS patients today face agitation, fear, pain. Only the strength of love and friendliness can drive social resources to do medical researches, to develop protection policies, to collect economic supports, and to give the hands of moral for the sufferings, to help them in need, in time and in a effective way, so that the steadiness and security of our society could be guaranteed. In this long way to successful prophylaxis and treatment of AIDS, males carry more responsibility. That explains why the theme of year 2000 was "Men make a difference". Going to the bottom of current global infection of AIDS, introspection is made. Before we reach any success of medical invention, moral recognization should be granted for prevention, especially the sense of social responsibility and and moral of males. Where there is exploitation, there is struggle. Where there is life, regardless of the threat of disease, there will be hope, because we have love and care as our weapons. On the coming Dec. 1st, will you say to others around you: I care. Do you?


Behave now

Environment is suffering from the damage caused by human. This problem is increasingly serious. Environmental pollution expands when environment protectors don't behave. Look around, everything has changed. We aren't able to look clearly far away any longer. We can't directly drink the water in rivers any longer. We have to wear masks to breathe. The conditions of yesterday has gone, and this is not what we want to see and live with.

Now, it's time for us to step forth to protect the environment, with small changes of our behavior:leave with the lights turned off, travel around by public transit, save water and paper, and whatever you can figure out to change the environment for better.

Thank you for your attention.


A Letter of Appeal


June XX, 20XX


Dear friends,


I am writing this letter to call on everyone to pay attention to the

present disasters caused by human activities. As some of you may know, over the

past years, floods, droughts, landslides, and dust storms have frequented our

planet. Not long ago, tsunami swept the Southeast Asia, which caused enormous

damage. All these have sounded an alarm to human beings. So it is high time that

we join efforts to save our planet.


Above all, a task of top priority for us is to plant trees as many as

possible, especially in the arid areas. At the same time, we should stop

deforesting in large amount. And we can save our planet through many other ways,

such as saving water and using recycled paper.


So don't hesitate to act out these measures. Even a small action is

meaningful to our planet. Please join us in the action of protecting our planet.

If you are willing to do something to save our planet, please start from the

little thing right around you. Thank you!


Sincerely yours,


真诚的 XXX


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