

03月04日 编辑 39baobao.com

[你英语真好佩服请问用英语说聪明怎么说]真不想抢别人的生意,但感觉差点味道。You are really good at English. Adorable!聪明: smart clever cute 比较常用smart 英 [smɑːt] 美 [smɑrt] adj. 聪明的;巧妙的;敏捷的;...+阅读


I'll be good to you, honestly (简单版)

I'll treat you right, unconditionally, unreservedly, and whole-heartedly (“一般人看不懂” 版)


Of course I'll be good to you forever (简单版)

It goes without saying that I'll treat you right, until I draw my last breath. (“一般人看不懂” 版)





Thank you for coming to take my baby (I am sell things), is a new shop, sacrifice auction, just to earn popularity, please receive the goods if you satisfaction has trouble leave a 5 star high praise to help me more baby. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me, we will service to your satisfaction! thank you


In my opinion, you are the crowds to birdie the sky sees the marine boat abuse; You are my life right all the praise you for my life all the love in your eyes I was a primitive life; In my opinion, you can never embrace the ...

(在我眼中 你是迷向小鸟的天空 浪迹舟儿的海洋; 你是我对生命所有的赞美 你是我对生命所有的热爱 在你眼中 我是一生的襁褓; 在我眼中 你是永远的怀抱...)



Wh at will you bring to the competition? The gym suit and a pair of running shoes.


Tom went to buy a camera that can take some pictures about the school's sport day yesterday, however he forgot to bring some money with him.


A huge change is happening in China. It is the symbol of China's development, and it means China is becoming modernized.


一句翻译幼儿园里的小班中班大班用英语怎么说小班[xiǎo bān] 词典 the bottom class in a kindergarten; primary class; younger class 中班[zhōng bān ] 词典 (指幼儿园的班级) the middle class in a kindergarten...

幼儿园小班语言用我爱说一句话的教案活动目标: 1.学习有节奏的朗读儿歌,尝试自编动作进行表演。 2.积极讲述上幼儿园的愉快经历。 3.感受儿歌中的欢乐情趣。 活动准备: 1.经验准备:教师通过幼儿入学几天来的情况,观...

我已经准备好了这句话用英语怎么说我已经准备好了 I'm ready ready 英[ˈredi] 美[ˈrɛdi] adj. 准备好的,现成的; 即时的,敏捷的; 情愿的; 即将的; vt. 做好…的准备; adv. 预先; 已完成地; [例句]It took her a lon...

感谢一个人送的东西用一句话怎么说1 、在忙碌的生活中别忘了抽个时间,让自己轻松一睛,永远保持一颗年轻快乐的心。 2 、上天安全的仅仅是时间、地点和人物——而你让我体验了生命的全部,谢谢你的爱! 3 、你酣畅淋...

你说什么用英语怎么说What did you say?你说什么。具体场景: 1、如果是两人去吃饭等场景,需要一人做出决定,如A:Would you like to eat Chinese food or Japanese food?B:it's up to you. (你做决定吧...

英语课堂这句话用英语怎么说English Course = 英语课程 Attend English Course = 上英语课(学生上) Conduct English Course = 上英语课(英语教师上) English Class = 英语班 English Classroom = 英语教室...

这句话用英语该怎么说啊If your IELTS results are above 6, you will be capable of taking (professional) courses but if your scores are between 4 to 6, language schools are recommended...

孩子成绩不好做家长的心里很郁闷用一句话表达怎么说好家长是这样做的: 最好的方法是鼓励。批评是孩子自信心最大的敌人。尽量强调孩子的优点,忽略他的缺点,孩子的自信心才会提高。这点中国父母要好好向美国父母学习。中国父母以...

惊蛰是什么意思简单用一句话说一下惊蛰的意思是天气回暖、春雷始鸣,惊醒蛰伏于地下冬眠的昆虫。 当斗柄指向正东方,卦在震位,是为仲春之月,万物之所出达也,万物出则天地变化可现矣。惊蛰时节,春气萌动,大自然有了新...
