

03月01日 编辑 39baobao.com

[五篇给老师道歉信]给老师的道歉信一 由于我们情绪的疏忽以及对故宫内部职能的不求甚解,错把故宫保卫部策划的锦旗当成故宫老师本人所为,在博客微博上涌现了大量对老师您没文化的调侃、讽刺。对...+阅读

dear teacher: I am just writing to say thank you.thank you for teaching us things we need to learn, thank you for being there for us when we have any problems, thanks for your devotion and willingness to help us, thank you for the love you've shown to us my dear teacher, no matter what you will always have a special place in my heart and i will remember what i have learned from you and carry the knowleges through my life!...


Dear XXX, How are you going these days? I'm still busy in my work.And I want to share my curriculum schedule(课程表) in Friday with you. Tomorrow is Friday and I have 8 classes ---- four in the morning and others in the afternoon. (开头) …………………………………………………………(内容)……………… Will you share your curriculum schedule with me? I'm looking forward to your reply.(结尾) Yours, XXX满意请采纳,如有疑问,可以继续追问哟...


唉我正在国外呢,刚给老师发完邮件。就这么些就行: 6 July(电子邮件的话不用写日期) Dear John,

(一般就叫名字,你要觉得和他不熟就用Mr/Ms+姓) How time flies! Haven't written to you for a long time since last. How is it going these days? It's mid-year break now, isn't it? did you or are you going somewhere for a holiday?...反正就这样写下去,具体你有什么说的我就不知道了。最后: Please drop me a few lines when you have time. i look forward to hearing from you. all the best for you and your family. Best regards(如果很熟就用cheers) Yours truly,(可写可不写) 你的名字


Respectful Miss/Mr xx, Here is a letter from your student-xxx to ask for your help with my english study.I feel it really hard to remember the english words so that i wonder if you could tell me some better ways in bearing words quickly in mind?I have already tried the one you taught us which is "reading words for 7 times will keep them in mind quickly",but i think it may not be a useful method to me.So i do need your help.May I ? regards class x ,grade x xxx 亲爱的老师: 我是***,我想让你帮助我.因为我背不下来英语单词.您可以教我几个英语快速记单词的方法吗?我试了你教我们的”快速记单词看七变遍”的方法.可是对于我来说不管用.请你帮助我.好吗? 祝你新年快乐


写一篇给远方小学生的一封信亲爱的同学: 你们好!我是广东省汕头市澄海新兴小学502班的欢欢。我有一顶乌黑的头发,一双水灵灵的眼睛,配上柳叶眉和樱桃小嘴,显得比较文静。我喜欢看书,绘画,书法和体育,不知远方的...

写一篇关于我家动物的作文用书信格式今天,奶奶在市场买了一篮小鸡。 小鸡的头圆圆的,眼睛小小的,黑溜溜的,嘴巴小小的,黄中透红。它全身毛茸茸的,像一个黄色的小绒球。我最喜欢小鸡的翅膀了。你看,它站在篮筐上,扇动着...

英语写一篇介绍老师20个单词左右Echo,my favourite teacher,is a pretty and slim lady.One of the most important reason that I like her is that she is very sincere.When she talks to others,she al...

快节日了老师让家长写一封表扬孩子的信帮帮忙你好! 感恩的心,因为有您! 是谁似轻燕捎来春的气息?是您,满载一身清辉的您! 是谁在荆棘的荒野里开垦?是您,一直笔耕不辍的您! 是谁像柔风细柳,抚慰一颗颗懵懂的心?是您,可亲可敬的老师!...

写一封给幼儿园老师的信 350字尊敬的李老师: 您好!您还记得昔日那个爱哭的小女孩吗?告诉您吧,那朵受不起风吹雨打的花儿已经学会如何挺立在风雨中,那便是我,林雪。老师,我已经在校六年了,辗转毕业,就和您谈谈我小...

英语老师英语道歉信要真诚的DEAR english teacher: i'm here to apologize for what i did to you,i know you are in hope of seeing us getting better,but we let you down,during class,we didn't...


英语写一篇应聘信Hello, my mane is Tim, I want to be a student guide. I willing to accompany the friend from America to visit HuangPu in this winter holidays. I am comprehend Hu...

给七八岁的小孩鼓励的信要简单的展开全部宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来 1、每一个成功者都有一个开始。勇于开始,才能找到成功的路。 2、世界会向那些有目标和远见的人让路(冯两努——香港著名推销商) 3、造物...
