

02月28日 编辑 39baobao.com

[美国布兰迪斯大学学校设施]布兰迪斯大学(Brandeis University,简称Brandeis)是位于美国马萨诸塞州波士顿地区沃尔瑟姆镇的一所的私立综合性大学,成立于1948年,虽然建校至今仅有短短的60余年的历史,但却已享...+阅读

1、school gate 读音:英 [sku:l ɡeit] 美 [skul ɡet]


例句:The students walked to the school gate in pairs.


2、classroom 读音:英 [ˈklɑ:sru:m] 美 [ˈklæsru:m]


复数: classrooms

例句:The children bounced into the classroom.


3、lecture theatre 读音:英 [ˈlektʃə ˈθiətə] 美 [ˈlɛktʃɚ ˈθiətɚ]


例句:The students are attending a lecture in the lecture theatre.


4、blackboard 读音:英 [ˈblækbɔ:d] 美 [ˈblækbɔ:rd]


复数: blackboards

例句:The teacher erased the letters on the blackboard.


5、platform 读音:英 [ˈplætfɔ:m] 美 [ˈplætfɔ:rm]

n.平台;台;站台;纲领 v.把…放在台上;为…设(平)台;(在台上)演讲

第三人称单数: platforms 复数: platforms 现在分词: platforming 过去式: platformed 过去分词: platformed

例句:The headmaster stood on a platform at one end of the hall.




读音:英 ['klɑːsruːm] 美 ['klæsruːm]

n. 教室;课堂


1、classroom teaching 课堂教学

2、Classroom Training 课堂培训

3、terrace classroom 阶梯教室

4、in the classroom 在教室里


1、He is repairing desks and chairs in the classroom.


2、A teacher is responsible for the conduct of pupils in the classroom.


3、The teacher stands in the front of the classroom.


4、My seat is in the fore part of the classroom.




schoolroom和 classroom都有教室的意思,区别在于:


例句:All the teachers and pupils stood respectfully as he entered the schoolroom.


2、classroom 除了课堂和教室的意思以外还可以当做讲堂。适用的范围比schoolroom大,用的比schoolroom多。

例句:Classroom discussions are an essential feature.




The classroom where I have classes every day is very big. This classroom can hold about 50 students.

Everyone will listen to the teacher carefully here every day. The blackboard in front of the classroom is a multimedia blackboard for teachers. The blackboard at the back is for us. We often publish blackboard newspapers there.



Our classroom every morning, when the initial rise sun sprinkles our campus time, we carried the book bag to arrive at the campus, under our clever artisan dressed up the classroom, this time appeared especially beautiful! Looks, the classroom entrance is hanging at the same place “the third day class” Ban Pai, it represents our all personnel schoolmate to give to the compassion the society, the filial piety gives to the parents, the sense of responsibility gives to class's and grade's happy desire. among the classroom, four row of neat class furniture are sparkling, the class furniture's front has a big blackboard, the big blackboard looks like territory place, teacher does farm work on the blackboard, to broadcast industriouslyHope seed. Blackboard one jiao, schoolmates opened “the wisdom garden”, this is our field, schoolmates excerpts hundred branch knowledge topic in turn in above. “the wisdom garden”, has enriched schoolmates' knowledge, widened everybody's field of vision. Blackboard's left side is at the same place “the heart word sign language” the page layout, it related that each one love's story, is recording our childhood joy bit by bit, is weaving the happy dream. This issue “the heart word sign language”, published group of March Eighth we to write for mother's letter. On the classroom two side walls, is hanging the calligraphy works which the young painter-calligrapher creates personally. You look, that Jin Sheng祎 picture's big cockerel must jump down the wall simply to come, oh cock-a-doodle-doo is crowing, the Yang Qiang calligraphy work lets us be full of praise. behind the classroom has a blackboard newspaper, each time blackboard newspaper in face Lihua, Chen Kai li and so on under schoolmate's careful editions, abundant and elegant, has brought US's enjoyment for schoolmates. Blackboard newspaper right side is “the stars shine student talent and skill announcement”. Pastes polite arts in the talent and skill announcement to test the level certificate and all levels of each kind of prize certificate, this is the testimony which schoolmates the full scale development, are uplifting. The blackboard newspaper left side is “the class and grade joint pledge”, it supervises us to make one all the time to diligently study maintains discipline, cares about other people's good student. The blackboard newspaper place above that bright red collective certificate, smilingly is looking at us, is also praising us is the good child who as if a crowd dares to strive for success, to deeply love the collective. In the classroom also opened “the green homeland”, “the compassion book angle”, this causes our classroom to be fuller of vitality, the traces of spring abundant, has filled with the thick study breath. Our classroom is beautiful and is warm, is being full of the happy talks and laughters daily, it is the paradise which we study, is cradle which we grow. I love our classroom. 我们的教室 每天清晨,当初升的太阳洒进我们校园的时候,我们背着书包来到了校园,在我们的巧手装扮下的教室,此时显得格外美丽! 瞧,教室门口挂着一块“初三班”的班牌,它代表着我们全班同学要把爱心献给社会,孝心献给父母,责任心献给班级的美好愿望。

教室中间,四排整齐的课桌椅闪闪发光,课桌椅的前方有一块大黑板,大黑板就像一方土地,老师在黑板上辛勤耕耘,播下了希望的种子。黑板一角,同学们自己开辟了 “智慧园”,这是我们的田野,同学们轮流在上面摘抄百科知识题。“智慧园”,丰富了同学们的知识,开阔了大家的视野。 黑板的左边是一块“心言手语”的版面,它诉说着着一个个爱的故事,记录着我们童年的快乐,编织着美好的梦想。这一期的“心言手语”,刊登了一组三八节我们写给妈妈的信。 教室两边的墙上,挂着小书画家亲手创作的书画作品。你瞧,那金晟祎画的大公鸡简直就要跳下墙来,正在喔喔喔地打鸣,杨启昂的书法作品更让我们赞不绝口。 教室后面有一块黑板报,每期的黑板报在颜丽华、陈凯俐等同学的精心编辑下,图文并茂,给同学们带来了美的享受。

黑板报的右边是“星光灿烂学生才艺榜”。在才艺榜里贴着一张张琴棋书画的考级证书和各级各类的获奖证书,这是同学们全面发展、奋发向上的见证。黑板报的左边是“班级公约”,它时时刻刻督促着我们做一个勤学守纪、关心他人的好学生。黑板报的上方那一张张鲜红的集体奖状,正笑眯眯地看着我们,又仿佛在夸奖我们是一群勇于拼搏、热爱集体的好孩子。 教室里还开辟了“绿色家园”、“爱心书角”,这使我们的教室更加生机勃勃、春意盎然,充满了浓浓的学习气息。 我们的教室美丽而温馨,天天充满着欢声笑语,它是我们学习的乐园,是我们成长的摇篮。我爱我们的教室。


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