

02月27日 编辑 39baobao.com

[湿气重的原因是什么]1、湿气重的原因可能是口胃太重。 如果你的肠胃不好,直接会影响你的营养吸收,也会影响新陈代谢,所以我们平时应该控制饮食,不要吃太多太咸,太甜的食物。太油腻的东西也要少吃。 2...+阅读

Too much stress and workload have brought many problems to children. To begin

with, they hinder the intellectual growth and all-round development of individuals.

The students are so busy with their lessons and homework every day that they have no adequate time for hobbies and extracurricular activities. Consequently, their

potentials can not be fully developed and their quality of life may be affected.

Moreover, due to a heavy burden, students may lose their interest in their study.

Some students feel so bored with their textbooks and lessons that they often play


Effective measures should be taken to relieve the stress and workload of the

students. The present educational system should be reformed. More attention shouldbe paid to the cultivation of the students' practical abilities and their personal

qualities. Besides, secondary and higher education should be expanded so that more

opportunities can be provided to young children to relieve the pressure for

competition in study.



生整天忙于功课, 没有足够的时间发展个人爱好和从事课外活动。因此,他们的潜力得不到充分发挥,生活质量也受到影响。 此外,由于沉重的负担, 学生会失去学习兴趣。一些学生对学习厌倦、甚至经常逃学。

要采取有效的措施来减轻学生压力和负担,目前的教育制度需要改革。要重视培养学生的素质和实际能力。另外, 要扩大中等和高等教育,给孩子提供更多的学习机,这样才能减轻他们的学习竞争压力。


students have more and more study burden,也可以说成 In recent years, students have more and more study burden, while they have less and less after-school workout time, they have less time to work out after schoolIn recent years, with the increasing burden on students from their studies, while they have less and less time to work out after school. 英语的课外一般说after school. 如果你在练习某一语法,可能是这样翻译 In recent years


Workload Too Demanding

We are at senior high school. Every day, we have many exercises that we can't complete and many books that we can't finish reading. The teachers continually repeat the words that we are already able to recite.

Teachers and students all work hard in order to improve the percentages① of those entering college. But the burden of work in class is so heavy that we have little time to do sports, which has left many of us in poor health. What's worse, many students have lost interest in their studies altogether.

It is known to all that good health is as important as knowledge. Virtues② such as bravery, discipline and love of our motherland can't be learned only in classes, but should also be learned through social practice. We should be given the time and opportunity to be exposed to society so we can learn what can't be taught from books.

We are young and we have young hearts. We love study as well as amusements. We hope that the number of exercises class will be reduced so we can take part in more after-class activities. In this way we will be able to learn much more and be more effective in our studies.


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帮忙写一篇英语作文关于学业负担Workload Too Demanding We are at senior high school. Every day, we have many exercises that we can't complete and many books that we can't finish reading. The t...

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宝宝睡觉呼吸声很重的原因有哪些1、宝宝可能有鼻炎:因为宝宝鼻腔呼吸阻碍,妨碍正常的鼻呼吸,所以宝宝喜欢用口呼吸,所以宝宝睡觉呼吸声就很大很重。 2、呼吸系统正在发育婴儿的鼻腔较狭窄,鼻窦尚未发育成熟,鼻腔...


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