

02月27日 编辑 39baobao.com

[李东学的毕业院校]毕业院校:北京电影学院表演系2003级本科班 李东学,1982年11月27日生于河南郑州,中国大陆影视演员,2007年毕业于北京电影学院表演系。 2011年凭《甄嬛传》“果郡王” 允礼一角走...+阅读

DearI Harry:

Thank you for your letter 。In our China has many customs 。For example ,In before knocking at the door, the door is opened, in the master said, "come in" only after in the door. After taking the door, to wait for the host would you do before you sit down. The master tea for you, you must use both hands and not one hand take tea, and said a "thank you" when having a meal, owners like to let you eat more drink, you eat or drink, the more host appears to be more happy.


Dear Tom,

Long time no see. I heard you went to Beijing for school last month. How's your study? Do you used to living there? Which school are you in?

I will go to Beijing for a English Speech Contest. I'm doing some data collection, getting ready for that now. But there are some problem with my linguistic performance (这里用using language也可以). Can you give me a hand with that? I'll be so grateful.

By the way, I want to see you after the contest. Shall we meet at your place?

Looking forward to reply.

Yours, Li Hua



An American friend has invited you friend wang Ming to his home. Have never been to an American's home before, not sure what to do. This brought a gift? How to wear? This points to? What should you do when you get there? Nice to ask. If the guest, you should just make yourself at home. That's what hospitality is all about: although not at home, but let a guest feel more at home.


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