

02月26日 编辑 39baobao.com



上大学时,伯恩巴克学的是文学,同时他保持着对艺术的浓厚兴趣,并在写作上开始显露才华。大学毕业时,他获得了纽约大学的文学学位。离开大学之后,伯恩巴克经过一番磨练,逐渐以其文才引起了各方面的注意。 伯恩巴克凭借着手中的一支笔杀入了广告界,他先在葛瑞等一些广告公司工作了七八年,和他人合伙成立了自己的广告公司。

威廉·伯恩巴克和奥格威在同一年分别开创各自的广告公司,他们同样以文案写作闻名。 伯恩巴克是著名广告公司DDB广告公司的创始人之一。1947年,DDB公司成立之初,全部资本只有区区1200美元,而到了1982年,当公司庆祝自己的35周年诞辰时,DDB已是世界第十大广告公司,年营业额超过了10亿美元。作为DDB的创始人并自始至终参与了公司创业历程的伯恩巴克,为这辉煌成就作出了巨大努力。DDB公司的客户已遍及全球。


Anglo-Saxons, name given to the Germanic-speaking peoples who settled in England after the decline of Roman rule there. They were first invited by the Celtic King Vortigern, who needed help fighting the Picts and Scots. The Angles (Lat. Angli), who are mentioned in Tacitus' Germania, seem to have come from what is now Schleswig in the later decades of the 5th cent. Their settlements in the eastern, central, and northern portions of the country were the foundations for the later kingdoms known as East Anglia, Mercia, and Northumbria. The Saxons, a Germanic tribe who had been continental neighbors of the Angles, also settled in England in the late 5th cent. after earlier marauding forays there. The later kingdoms of Sussex, Wessex, and Essex were the outgrowths of their settlements. The Jutes, a tribe about whom very little is known except that they probably came from the area around the mouths of the Rhine, settled in Kent (see Kent, kingdom of) and the Isle of Wight. The Anglo-Saxons eventually formed seven separate kingdoms known as the heptarchy. The term “Anglo-Saxons” was first used in Continental Latin sources to distinguish the Saxons in England from those on the Continent, but it soon came to mean simply the “English.” The more specific use of the term to denote the non-Celtic settlers of England prior to the Norman Conquest dates from the 16th cent. In more modern times it has also been used to denote any of the people (or their descendants) of the British Isles.


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