

02月25日 编辑 39baobao.com

[用英语解释英文单词][来自韦氏词典] 旅游: intransitive verb 1 a : to go on or as if on a trip or tour : journey b (1) : to go as if by traveling : pass (2) : associate c : to go from...+阅读

邻补角 adjacent angles on a straight line 对顶角 vertical angles 垂直 perpendicular垂线 perpendicular line垂足 foot of a perpendicular同位角 corresponding angles平行 parallel命题 proposition定理 theorem平移 translation象限 quadrant三角形 triangle高 altitude中线 median角平分线 bisector of angle

一个字一个字打的 累死俺了 这些都是初中的 可以吗 ( ⊙o⊙ )? 初中发数学书后面都有的 你只是个小升初 英语不是太重要 (我小学英语一塌糊涂 现在在年级数一数二)

看我这么辛苦 就选我吧 O(∩_∩)O


一、1,-3,9,-27,81,-243,设第三个位数。 (-1)^n*3^n


(1)2x-5x+4xy+3x=4xy (2)1/2x-2(s-1/3y)+(-1/2x+1/3y)=1/2x-2s+2/3y)-1/2x+1/3y=1/y-2s 英语题. 一.词性变换 1.How much are_these_(that)pens? 2.Where is_your_(you)bork? 3._These_(this)pens are onlytwi dollars. 4.How many_sweaters_(sweater)doeshewarrt? 5.Can I help_you_(you).

二、补全对话 1.Can I help you?yes,_now_I want some pens. 2.Cetinly(当然)_what_ _tea_do you want? 3.Three__ __ __Thank you__ __are they. 4.let_me_see.Five dollars.please there you are.

三、单项填空 ( )1.My cla ssroom isn't_small_It's big. A.long B.short c.small ( )2._How much_are the sweaters?Theyre 80 ddlars. A.How much B.how c.how many ( )3.There_has_ a desk in the room. A.hare B.has c.is ( )4.YOur sister_does't_ have abtack hot. A.isn't B.dowsrt C.den't


1. Since there are some controversies, I suppose 0 does not belong to natural numbers in this case. The answer is quite straight foward, 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9=45. If we add 10, then the sum will exceed 50. So the greatest possible n is 9. 2. First of all, you can list all the odd prime numbers less than 50:3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47. Add them up, and calculate the average. The average a is equal to 23.3. Therefore the integer, most close to a is 23. 3. x^2+100=y^2,then (y-x)(x+y)=100, since x and y are natural numbers, x+y>0, y should be larger than x. I am afraid there is either something wrong with the problem or a typing mistake. You can show me the original version of the problem 3.


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