
How the First Head Was Taken

12月07日 编辑 39baobao.com

[洛克菲勒大学附近租房—1582 First Avenue]【异乡好居】洛克菲勒大学附近租房—1582 First Avenue还记得美剧里面高大上的场景吗?那些动不动就跳楼的场景,那些动不动就会被玻璃碎渣子砸到的场景,这就是碎片大厦啊。对于...+阅读

How the First Head Was Taken

One day the Moon, who was a woman named Kabigat, sat out in the yard making a large copper pot. The copper was still soft and pliable like clay, and the woman squatted on the ground with the hey pot against her knees while she patted and shaped it.

Now while she was working a son of Cal-chal, the Sun, came by and stopped to watch her mold the form. Against the inside of the jar she pressed a stone, while on the outside with a wooden paddle dripping with water she pounded and slapped until she had worked down the bulges and formed a smooth surface.

The boy was greatly interested in seeing the jar grow larger, more beautiful, and smoother with each stroke, and he stood still for some time. Suddenly the Moon looked up and saw him watching her. Instantly she struck him with her paddle, cutting off his head.

Now the Sun was not near, but he knew as soon as the Moon had cut off his son's head. And hurrying to the spot, he put the boy's head back on, and he was alive again.

Then the Sun said to the Moon, "You cut off my son's head, and because you did this, ever after on the earth people will cut off each other's heads.


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