

12月01日 编辑 39baobao.com



China, India and Russia top the list of the world’s most polluted places, a study of global pollution yesterday found.


The three countries are each home to two of the world’s top 10 polluted sites, while the others are in Peru, Ukraine, Zambia and Azerbaijan.


Linfen and Tianjin are the worst polluted places in China because of poor air quality and the metal industry respectively. Sukinda and Vapi are the worst in India, the former because of mining and the latter from general industry. Norilsk, where metals are extracted, and Dzerzhinsk, home to weapons manufacture, are Russia’s most polluted locations.

铁匠研究所(Blacksmith Institute)发布了有关全球30个污染最严重地区的报告。该组织表示,不太可能将十大污染地区进行排序,因为每个地区的污染形式不同,而且在其地理和人口方面也存在很大差别。

The Blacksmith Institute, which produced the report on the “dirty 30” most polluted places on the pla, said it was not possible to rank the top 10 in order because of the different forms of pollution in each place and because they differed widely in their geography and population.

铁匠研究所全球业务主管大卫?汉拉汉(Did Hanrahan)表示:“这30个污染城市都对人类健康造成很大毒害。”

“All sites in the dirty 30 are very toxic and dangerous to human health,” said Did Hanrahan, director of global operations at Blacksmith.

该研究所所长理查德?富勒(Richard Fuller)称:“事实上,这些污染地区的儿童正罹患疾病,(有些人)生命垂危,而目前还没有解决这些问题的先进科学。”

Richard Fuller, director of the institute, said: “The fact of the matter is that children are sick and dying in these polluted places and it’s not rocket science to fix them.”


Mining was found to be the most frequent cause of pollution in the dirty 30 but metals extraction, petrochemicals and other industries were also to blame.


The worst places for air pollution were Linfen, Lanzhou and Urumqi in China, Magnitogorsk in Russia and Mexico City.


The Dandora dump in Kenya made it on to the list for being the worst site polluted by urban waste.


Chernobyl’s legacy of nuclear contamination put the region in the top 10, and Mailuu-Suu in Kyrgyzstan was also judged one of the worst polluted for its nuclear site.


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