

11月13日 编辑 39baobao.com

[小班上学期随笔:明天我不哭了]放学的时间到了,孩子们开着小火车一个个准备回家了。离园的路上要走过两个班的教室,路比较长。于是,我就边走边和前面的几个孩子聊起了天。 鸿鸿,明天来幼儿园可不能哭了。 恩!...+阅读

I’ll see you tomorrow at the hotel.


A I’ll see you tomorrow at the hotel.

A 我明天到旅馆接你。

B OK. What time will you e?

B 好的。你什么时候来?

A I’ll e at 10. I won’t be late.

A 10点。我不会迟到的。

B Where shall I wait for you? In the lobby?

B 我在哪儿等你?在大堂吗?

A Yes, that’s fine. After that, we’ll go and visit the Summer Palace. You’ll enjoy that.

A 好的,可以。之后我们去游览颐和园。你会喜欢的。

B I’m going to take lots of photographs. I’m sure it will be very beautiful.

B 我要照很多照片。那里肯定非常美。

Notes 注释

1 You can also use the shorter form of I will / I will – I’ll / I’ll, e.g. I’ll see you tomorrow / I’ll see you tomorrow.

你还可以用I will /我将的缩写形式I’ll /我将。例如:I’ll see you tomorrow /我明天来接你。

2 Shall / shall is the same as will / will and is most often used in question forms, e.g. Where shall I meet you? / Where shall I meet you? : Shall we go to the hotel? / Shall we go to the hotel?

Shall /将要和will /将要一样,经常用在问句中。

例如:Where shall I meet you? / 我在哪里接你?: Shall we go to the hotel? /我们去旅馆好吗?

3 Remember also . . . going to / . . . going to for future plans and intentions, e.g. I’m going to take photographs / I’m going to take photographs : I’m going to visit my friends at the weekend / I’m going to visit my friends at the weekend.

也请记住. . . going to / . . .将要,它用来表示将来的计划或者打算。例如I’m going to take photographs / 我要拍照片。: I’m going to visit my friends at the weekend /我要在周末看朋友。

Key phrases and sentences

I’ll see you tomorrow at the hotel.

OK. What time will you e?

I’ll e at 10. I won’t be late.

Where shall I wait for you?

In the lobby?

Yes, that’s fine.

After that, we’ll go and visit the Summer Palace.

You’ll enjoy that.

I’m going to take lots of photographs.

I’m sure it will be very beautiful.




在大堂吗? 好的,可以。





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