

11月07日 编辑 39baobao.com

[创造更适合我们班级孩子的“学讲”英语课]李涛涛 ],自从徐州市推进 学讲计划 以来,一直在努力探索 学讲 之路,在这个过程中,经历了很多困难和挫折,但也意外收获了许多。学讲 课堂重视的是学生自己真实的学习的发生,所以学...+阅读

四 填入下列各词所欠缺的字母,每一格代表一个字母

1 measurement in length or width . d_ _ _ _ sion

2 take up with the tougue . l_ _k

3 lower in rank or position . sub_ _ _ _ _ ate

4 a prison . j_ _ l

5 the act of denying . con_ _ _ _ _ _tion

6 make a deep,low,angry sound . g_ _ _l

7 domestic farm birds ,raised for food . p_ _ _ try

8 an outward swelling . b_ _ ge

9 face . c_ _ _ _ _ _ance

10 an animal or plant of unusually great size or strange form . m_ _ _ ter

五 找出一个与其它三个不相关的词

____1 A Alert B frail C vigilant D watchful

____2 A execute B perform C oid D fulfill

____3 A fate B vigor C doom D destiny

____4 A detect B hurl C cast D fling

____5 A sway B alter C stagger D totter

____6 A fruitful B profitable C beneficial D casual

____7 A adhere B cling C paralyze D stick

____8 A pursuit B quest C D scarch

____9 A dock B stitch C wharf D pier

___10 A revive B restore C refresh D resolve

六 从下列生词中选出最适当的词,填入空格中.

A. refrain B . wharf C .treacherous D. pri

ck E. thrift F. subordinate

G. temporary H .growl I. alert J . nun K . alter L . congratulate

1 By _____ ,she managed to get along on her small salary .

2 If the coat is too large ,the tailor can _____ it to fit you.

3 Many students find ____ jobs during their summer holidays .

4 Selling military secrets to the enemy is a (an) _____ act .

5 If you want to lose weight ,you he to ____ from eating candy or icecream .

6 A (An) ____ can't get married and has to live a life of prayerand worship.

7 Let me ____ you on the birth of your son .

8 A clerk in a business occupies a (an) _____ to that of the owner.

9 Many passengers were waiting on the ____ to board the ship .

10 A good hunting dog is _____ to every sound and movement in the field .


1 dimension 2 lick

3 subordinate 4 jail

5 contradiction 6 growl

7 poultry 8 bulge

9 countenance 10 monster

五 1B 2C 3B 4A 5B 6D 7C 8C 9B 10D

1 E或 (thrifting)

2K 3G 4C 5A 6J 7L 8F 9B 10I



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