

02月23日 编辑 39baobao.com

[商务信函写作]1.0 Einleitung Eine Firma, die im Ausland Abnehmer oder Lieferanten, Vertreter oder Vertretungen, Lizenznehmer oder Lizenzgeber, Kooperationspartner oder andere...+阅读

In Beijing, the fastest-growing household electrical appliances manufacturers, "Hui Yuan" to provide you with ideal opportunities.

Our company main products include:

TV, tape recorders, radios, car audio equipment, video recorders, medical equipment, industrial electronic equipment and so on.

About the company's business profile, please send the Bank of Beijing and China's international commercial bank, we are a medium-sized companies, but fast-growing, I hope you will become the company's future trading positions.


通知与确认商务英语信函写作一、通知对方收到来信的确认函1. Dear Mr/Mrs,Thank you for your letter No. A-3 of 6th May, offering us 6 UI-4 Viewdatas. We he passed it on to our Technical Depar...

英语商务信函的格式请参考 1、信头(发信人公司名称、地址、邮编、电话、传真、口号等文字)(中间) 2、日期(靠左边) 3、信内地址(靠左边) 4、称呼(靠左边) 5、正文 6、结尾敬语(靠左边) 7、签名(靠左边) 大多...

商务英语信函English business letters的分类其实想要有好的英语学习效果 重点就是老师教学经验 欧美人士比东南亚好很多 口语标准很重要 要多听多比较,不然学出口音就难改了..基础不好没关系的 学好就会提高的 可以去网...


求一篇商务英语信函1. By Mr. BOSWELL, we learned that your company's name and address. 2. Willing to establish business relations with your company 3. The company hardware product...

商务英语的情景对话最好2 3分钟的急急急Len Matheson is the owner of a small company that's rapidly expanding. He's getting advice from Mary Carlyle, a business consultant, on developing a functional...

商务信函的翻译Dear friendly: We have confirmed your message on Mar 9th in which you prefer to honor the draft pertains to electronic toys under PO.3837 by DA. We have been us...

商务信函怎么写中文商业商务信函的写作格式 如同一般信函,商业信文一般由开头、正文、结尾、署名、日期等5个部分组成。 (1)开头 开头写收信人或收信单位的称呼。称呼单独占行、顶格书写,称...

10个英语动词和中文!急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急draw画 拉 拖 drew drawn dream 做梦 dreamed/dreamt dreamed/dreamt drink 喝 drank drunk drive驾驶 drove driven eat吃 ate eaten fall 掉落 fell fallen hide 隐藏 hid...
