

02月22日 编辑 39baobao.com

[跪求英语作文一篇急!急!题目:我的寒假生活]The Winter Holiday I like the winter holiday very much. Though it's very short,I can enjoy the Spring Festival. I can watch cartoon every day. I needn't go to s...+阅读

1、 Love others little and you will get much love in ____c____. A:turn B: back C:return D: award

2、She was _____b__ from a headache. A: hurting B:suffering C:paining D:aching

3、Many good friends have a lot in ___c____. A:similarity B:difference C:common D:usual

4、 He intends to ____a_____ for a job in the city A:apply B:reply C:ask D:require

5、Andersen began his writing ____d__ at the age of 25 A: job B:work C: occupation D:career

6、The fire ___a__ the whole district. A:flamed B: lit up C: kindled up D:blazed

7、The man was put ______c_____ for theft. A:in the prison B:at the prison C: in prison D: into prison

8、 I am determined to go there __b____ instead of taking a bus. A:on the foot B:on foot C: by foot D:on two feet

9、It's quite late now and Mr. White ___d___ hasn't left his office. A:still B:already C:since D:yet

10、The history of nursing ___d__ the history of man. A:as old as B: is old, also old is C:that is as old as D:is as old as

11、He is leaving Washington __a___ Paris tomorrow. A:for B:to C: from D:across

12、She is very strict ___c___ her children. A:in B: of C:with D:by

13、Be careful! Don't cut ____b____ with the new knife. A: you B:yourself C: your D:yours

14、____c___ of the students has two books. A:All B:Both C:Each D:Every

15、Take an umbrella with you ____b_____ it rains. A:in any case B:in case C:because D:for

16、He bought three ______a______ ties for just $ 12. A:five-dollar B:fives-dollar C: five-dollars D:fives-dollars

17、This drink is a little __b___ to me. A:strongly B:strong C:so strong D:too much strong

18、I'll keep ____c__ eye on the baby when she is away. A:the B:one C: an D:much

19、Things have been _____b____ badly for them. A:gone B:going C:happened D:happening

20、 Every day, I walked ____b____ London Theatre. A:past B:pass C:passing D:passed


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