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柏林大学(Universität zu Berlin)是德国的一所综合性高等学校。 原名柏林弗里特里希-威廉大学,设于柏林。1809 年由普鲁士王国内务部文教总管 F.vonK.W.洪堡负责筹建,1810年10月正式开学。是人类教育和科学发展史上的里程碑。设哲学、法学、医学和神学4科。第一任校长为哲学家 J.G.费希特。柏林大学贯彻教学与科研相结合的方针,采取讲课、讨论与研究相结合的教学形式。

教师享有较大的学术自由,学生则根据自己的爱好选修各种课程,选择自己的钻研方向,在导师指导下从事科研工作 。1842年创建德国第一个物理实验室。一批科学家曾在该校执教,并创立新的理论和学科。柏林大学培养了很多具有真才实学的科学家、哲学家和艺术家,包括数十位诺贝尔奖得主。第二次世界大战后,柏林大学分为两所。前民主德国的改名为柏林洪堡大学,西柏林的改名为柏林自由大学。

Universität zu Berlin is a comprehensive higher education institution in Germany. Formerly known as Berlin Friedrich - University of William, located in Berlin. 1809 by Prussian Kingdom Ministry of Culture and Education Explorer F. vonK.W. Humboldt was responsible for the preparation, in October 1810 the official start. It is a milestone in the history of human education and scientific development. Set philosophy, law, medicine and theology 4 subjects. The first principal is philosopher J.G. Fichte. The University of Berlin carries out the principle of combining teaching with scientific research, adopts the teaching form of combining lectures, discussions and research. Teachers enjoy greater academic freedom, while students choose elective courses according to their own interests, choose their own research direction, under the guidance of supervisors engaged in scientific research. In 1842 to create Germany's first physical laboratory. A group of scientists taught in the school and founded new theories and disciplines. The University of Berlin has trained many scientists, philosophers and artists with real knowledge, including dozens of Nobel Prize winners. After World War II, Berlin University is divided into two. The former Democratic Germany was renamed Humboldt University in Berlin, and West Berlin was renamed Free University Berlin.希望能对你有帮助哦!


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