

02月21日 编辑 39baobao.com

[石油化工专业英语词汇]oil field 油田wildcat 盲目开掘的油井percussive drilling 冲击钻探rotary drilling 旋转钻探offshore drilling 海底钻探well 井,油井derrick 井架Christmas tree...+阅读

关键词:degree of dryness 干度thermal production boiler 热采锅炉thermal recovery 热力采油Of the operation of thermal production boiler,dryness is an important parameter, which affects the accuracy of thermal recovery boiler operation safety and the effect of heating oil.Based on the water / steam two-phase flow dynamic monitoring techniques ,we develop dry-degree microcomputer measurement and control technology and take advangtage of differential throttling device measuring degree of and other parameters.The temperature and pressure sensors will be able to automatic Detection of thermal recovery boiler operation, while the boiler controls signal to the amount of water and wind through the feedback to achieve the safe operation of thermal production boiler automatically....



帮忙解决英语要翻译哦22. He goes to school on foot every day. 他每天步行上学。 23. have you found your science book yet? 你找到你的自然教科书了吗? 24. If it is fine tomorrow, I'll go...

英语里面各个语法名称的英文要详细和正规会追加分Traditional grammar classifies words based on eight parts of speech: the verb, the noun, the pronoun, the adjective, the adverb, the preposition, the conjunctio...

她是怎么想的女生回答有加分女人总是希望在需要的时候——哪怕是凌晨三点,只要她有需要就可以找到一个男人,出现在身边。及时的不问理由的默默地在身边保护她。 我想她可能是把你当成这样的朋友 就是很暧...


世界知名大学的石油专业有哪些世界知名大学的石油专业有; 美国:斯坦福大学,奥斯汀大学,德州农工大学,其他的不推荐 加拿大:阿尔伯塔大学,卡尔加里大学,其他的不推荐 英国:英国帝国理工大学,赫瑞瓦特大学,其他的不推...

学焊接的请进来看一下!有关专业英语翻译问题。。weld beads 是什么? 答:焊缝(金属)Charpy V-notch 是不是V形槽啊?答:V型开口(坡口) in flat welding positions and in uphill能翻译成平焊和仰焊吗? 答:平焊,仰焊或立焊In samples C2V...


100词的英语笑话带翻译哦Once upon a time ,a stupid guy went to the doctor's. "What's the matter with you",asked the doctor. "I have been broken all!",said the fool . "Broken all,what's it m...
