

02月21日 编辑 39baobao.com

[法语语法与词汇练习选择题二]21 Avec _________ de pêche ,les pêcheurs ont le droit de pêcherA le permis B la licence C la tyrannie D la tolérance22 Le président de la République a r...+阅读

1.I should like to rent a house,modern,comfortable and ___ in a qiuet environment. a.before all b.first of all c.after all d.above all 选择D.我希望租个房子,现代的,舒适的,并且要有安静的环境.Above all-除了上面所说的 还要...2.He was sunk into a deep melancholy when he ___ on the past. a.recalled b.remembered c.reflected d.recollected 这道不太确定 觉得选C当他反省他过去的时候,陷入了深深的忧郁.3.His few personal belongings make it possible for him to move from place to place ___. a.in ease b.at ease c.with ease d.with easiness C.他那极少数的物品让他可以很方便地从一个地方搬到另一个地方.4.The chief concern ___ foggy winter is that the lower temperaters and the absence of sunlight would severelydisrupt food production. a.on b.over c.of d.for B.厨师对有雾的冬天最大的担忧是很低的温度和阳光的缺少会严重影响食物生产.For是为..担心,of是...的担心.5.Wealth,education,and occupation can vary greatly ___ members of middle class. a.among b.bewteen c.from d.insideA.财富,知识,和职业,在中产阶级成员中可有很大区别.Among就是在...之中...


中考英语单项选择题技巧或如何快速提高英语单项选择题一般是考你对单词,词组等的掌握情况. 因此: 1. 要熟悉单词的用法,特别是同义词,近义词,反义词之间的区别一定要熟练掌握! 2. 要对介词等有一定的深入了解. 经常会出...

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