

12月01日 编辑 39baobao.com

[德国柬埔寨中英文地名对照表]柬埔寨中英文地名对照表柏威夏 preah vihear磅清扬 kompong chhnang磅士卑 kompong speu磅同 kompong thom磅湛 kompong cham波萝勉 prey veng茶胶 takeo茶胶 tokeo柴桢 sva...+阅读

一. 入关

麻烦请给我你的护照。 May I see your passport, please

这是我的护照。 Here is my passport Here it is.

旅行的目的为何 What’s the purpose of your visit (移民)(观光)(公务)。(Immigrant)(Sightseeing)(Business).

随身携带多少现金 How much money do you he with you

大约10,000元。 I he 10,000 dollars.

祝你玩得愉快。 Good. He a nice day.

谢谢。 Thank you.

二. 行李

我在何处可取得行李 Where can I get my baggage

我找不到我的行李。 I can’t find my baggage.

这是我的行李票。 Here is my claim tag.

是否可麻烦紧急查询 Could you please check it urgently

你总共遗失了几件行李 How many pieces of baggage he you lost

请描述你的行李。 Can you describe your baggage

它是一个中型的灰色绅耐特皮箱。 It is a medium-sized Samsonite, and it’s gray.

它是一个上面系有我的大型皮制黑蓝色行李箱。 It is a large leather suitcase with my name tag.It’s dark blue.

它是一个茶色小旅行袋。 It’s a small trel bag. It’s light brown.

我们正在调查,请稍等一下。 Please wait for a moment while we are investigating.

我们可能遗失了几件行李,所以必须填份行李遗失报告。 We may he lost some baggage so we’d like to make a lost baggage report.

请和我到办公室。 Would you e with me to the office

多快可找到 How soon will I find out

一旦找到行李,请立即送到我停留的饭店。 Please deliver the baggage to my hotel as soon as you’ve located it.

若是今天无法找到行李,你如何帮助 How can you help me if you can’t find my baggage today

我想要购买过夜所需的用品。 I’d like to purchase what I need for the night.

三. 海关申报

请出示护照和申报单。 Your passport and declaration card, please.

是否有任何东西需要申报 Do you he anything to declare ?

没有。 No, I don’t.

请打开这个袋子。 Please open this bag.

这些东西是做何用 What are these

这些是我私人使用的东西。 These are for my personal use.

这些是给朋友的礼物。 These are gifts for my friends.

这是我要带去台湾的当地纪念品。 This is a souvenir that I’m taking to Toronto.

你有携带任何酒类或香烟吗 Do you he any liquor or cigarettes

是的,我带了两瓶酒。 Yes, I he two bottles of whisky.

这个相机是我私人使用的。 The camera is for my personal use.

你必须为这项物品缴付税金。 You’ll he to pay duty on this.

你还有其他行李吗 Do you he any other baggage

好了! 请将这张申报卡交给出口处的官员。 O.K. Please give this declaration card to that officer at the exit.


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