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[创造更适合我们班级孩子的“学讲”英语课]李涛涛 ],自从徐州市推进 学讲计划 以来,一直在努力探索 学讲 之路,在这个过程中,经历了很多困难和挫折,但也意外收获了许多。学讲 课堂重视的是学生自己真实的学习的发生,所以学...+阅读



There are twenty-five sentences in this section.Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D.Choose one word or phrase that corr ectly pletes the sentence.Mark your answers on your answer sheet

41.After ___ seemed an endless wait,it was her turn to enter the per sonnel manager's office.

A.that B.what C.there D.it 

42.The three men tried many times to sneak across the border into the neighbouring country, ___ by the police each time.

A.had been capturedB.being always captured

C.only to be captured D.unfortunately captured 

43.Professor Johnson is said ___some significant advance in his resea rch in the past year.

A.hing made B.making C.to he made D.to make

44.Fat cannot change into muscle ___ muscle changes into fat.

A.any more thanB.no less than

C.no more than D.much more than 

45.It is not so much the language ___ the cultural background that m akes the book difficult to understand.

A.but B.norC.as D.like 

46.There ought to be less anxiety over the perceived risk of mountain c limbing than ___ in the public mind today.

A.exists B.existC.existing D.to exist 

47.I've never been to Lhasa, but that's the city___.

A.I'd most like to visit B.where I like to visit

C.which I like to visit mostlyD.I'd like much to visit 

48.He ___ unwisely, but he was at least trying to do something hel pful.

A.may he acted B.must he acted

C.should act D.would act 

49.If you he really been studying English for so long.It's about t i me you ___ able to write letters in English.

A.should be B.wereC.must beD .are 

50.He's ___ as a “bellyacher” —— he's always plaining about some thin g.

A.who is known B.whom is known

C.what is known D.which is known 

51.___he always tries his best to plete it on time.

A.However the task is hard B.However hard the task is

C.Though hard the task isD.Though hard is the task 

52.Much as ___, I couldn't lend him the money because I simply didn 't ha ve that much spare cash.

A.I would he liked to B.I would like to he

C.1 should he to like D.1 should he liked to 

53.My cousin likes eating very much, but he isn't very ___ about the f ood he e ats.

A.special B.peculiar C.particular D.specific 

54.Your advice would be ___ valuable to him.who is now at a loss as to wha tto do first.

A.exceedinglyB.excessively C.extensively D.exclusive ly 

55.More often than not, it is difficult to ___ the exact meaning of a Chines e idiom in English.


C.convey D.convert

56.She refused to ___ the door key to the landlady until she got ba ck her deposit.

A.hand in B.hand outC.hand down D.hand over 

57.The scientists he absolute freedom as to what research they think i t best to___.

A.engage B.devote C.seek D.pursue 

58.The Olympic Games ___ in 776 B.C.in Olympia, a small town in Gree ce.

A.originatedB.stemmed C.derived D.desce nded 

59.We should always bear in mind that ___ decisions often result in se rious co nsequences.

A.urgent B.instantC.prompt D.hasty 

60.The fact that the management is trying to reach agreement___five separate unions has led to long negotiations.

A.over B.in C.upon D.with 

61.The chairman of the pany said that new techniques had ___impr oved their production efficiency.

A.violently B.severely C.extremely D.radically 

62.The local authorities realized the need to make ___for elderly peo ple in their housing programmes.

A.preparationB.requirement C.specificationD.provision 

63.The guest team was beaten by the host team 2 ___ 4 in last year's CFA Cup Final.

A.overB.in C.to D.against

64.The police let him go, because they didn't find him guilty ___ the murder.

A.ofB.inC.over D.on

65.As a developing country, we must keep ___ with the rapid developme nt of the world economy.

A.move B.stepC.speed D.pace



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