

11月24日 编辑 39baobao.com




I' ve heard so much about you.好久不见了!

Long time no see.辛苦了!

You' ve had a long day.You've had a long flight.尊敬的朋友们!

Distinguished/Honorable/Respected friends阁下(多用于称呼大使)

Your Excellency我代表北京市政府欢迎各位朋友访问北京。

On behalf of the Beijing Municipal government, I wish to extend our warm wele to the friends who he e to visit Beijing.对您的大力协助,我谨代表北京市政府表示衷心的感谢。

On behalf of the Beijing Municipal government, i wish to express our heartfelt thanks to you for your gracious assistance.在北京过得怎么样?

How are you making out in Beijing?


I'll surely remember you and your invitation to him.欢迎美商来北京投资。

American businessmen are wele to make investment in Beijing.欢迎多提宝贵意见。

Your valuable advice is most wele.不虚此行!

It's a rewarding trip!


As you he a tight schedule, I will not take up more of your time.请代我问候王先生。

Please remember me to Mr.Wang.感谢光临!

Thank you so much for ing.欢迎再来!

Hope you'll e again.欢迎以后多来北京!

Hope you'll visit Beijing more often.请留步,不用送了!

I will see myself out, please.多保重!

Take care!


He a nice trip!


At your service!

为…举行宴会/宴请Host a dinner/banquet/luncheon in honor of …

欢迎宴会Wele dinner便宴Informal dinner午宴(附有情况介绍或专题演讲等内容)

Luncheon便餐Light meal工作午餐Working luncheon自助餐Buffet dinner/luncheon答谢宴会Return dinner告别宴会Farewell dinner庆功宴Glee feast招待会Reception庆祝中华人民共和国成立四十五周年招待会Reception Celebrating the 45th Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China鸡尾酒会Cocktail party茶话会Tea party包餐/点餐Table d'hote/a la carte上菜Serve a courst您的位置在这里。

Here is your seat.请入席!

Please he a seat.欢聚一堂Enjoy this happy get-together请随便!

Please yourself at home./Please enjoy yourself.请各位随意用餐。

Help yourself please.您喝点什么?

What would you like to drink?


At this point, I propose a toast: to the cooperation between … And … , to the health of Senator…, cheers!


Lastly, taking up this glass of fine wine, I propose a toast to …


I'd ask you to raise your glass and join me in a toast ot the health of all our friends present here.敬您一杯!

Here's to you祝你健康!

To your health!


I'll drink to that!


Whatever you like!


Excuse me for a minute.菜不好,请多多包涵!

Hope you enjoy yourself.女士们先生们,欢迎各位光临,演出很快就要开始了,请尽快就坐。

Ladies and gentlemen, good evening. The concert/show would start soon. Please get yourself seated. Thank you.招待会现在开始。

The reception will now begin.全体起立,奏国歌!

All rise please. For the P.R.C.National Anthem!


The distinguished guests paarticipating the reception are …

现在请…讲话I he the honour to call upon …


This concludes the opening ceremony.隆重庆祝Grand celebration庆祝成立…一周年Celebrating the 1st Anniversary of the Establishment of …

热烈祝贺第一届…锦标赛Hail the first FIFA of …


On the occasion of the season, I would like to extend season's greetings.祝您工作顺利、事业成功、身体健康、家庭幸福!

Wish you the very best of luck in your job, every successin your future endeours, good health and a happy family!


Hearty congratulations on your recent ecletion as …

举行会议/研讨会/大会/座谈会/学术报告会Hold a meeting/seminar/conference/forum/symposium赞助人/主办人/承办人/协办人Patron/sponsor/anizer/co-anizer举行谈判Enter into negotiation交涉Make representations with sb. On sth./deal with sb.事物性会谈Talks at working level对口会谈Counterpart talks议程项目Items on the agenda主题Theme议题Topic for discussion双方商定的议程Schedule mutually agreed upon开幕会议Opening session全体会议Plenary session开场白Introduction情况介绍Presentation小组讨论Panel discussion同有关单位磋商Hold consultations with the anizations concerned一轮会谈One round of talks决议Resolution谅解备忘录Memorandum of understanding现在开会。

I declare the meeting open.请…发言。

I invite the representative of …To take the floor.下面我给各位简要介绍一下北京的经济情况Now I would like to give you a brief overview of Beijing's economy.我的介绍完了,谢谢!

That's all for my presentation.thank you.我先说这么多。

So much for my remarks for now.我要说的就是这些。

That's all for what I want to say.您看是先谈原则问题呢,还是先谈具体问题?

I wonder if you would like to start with matters of principle or specific issues?


If you agree(With your permission), let me start with one issue在谈那个问题之前我想对您刚才讲的话谈点看法。

Before we trun to that issue, I wish to make a few ments/remarks on your presentation.您对此事怎么看呢?

I wish to benefit from your views on this matter./ What is your view on this matter?/ How do you see this matter?


I propose a ten-minute break.我想接着刚才的问题讲下去。

I will pick up where we left off just now.对不起,我插一句。

Sorry for the interruption but当然可以!

By all means.怎么都行!

Whatever you say.我没有异议。

I he no objection.我方对这个问题有异议。

We take exception to this question.我们高兴地看到…

We note with pleasure that …


I wonder if this date wuld be suitable for you?


I wonder how the meeting went this morning?


We would greatlyl appreciate it if you could give us your fourable and prompt mitment as soonas possible.请你们务必在8月1日前提出意向书。

You are kindly requested to submit the letter of intent on the date no later than 1st August.纠缠这个问题。

Entangle this issue.提倡节约Advocate/uphold thriftiness为了国家的繁荣For the sake of national property经受了时间考验的友谊给我留下了很深的印象。

The time-tested friendship lee me a deep impression.密切注视Keep close watch on促进密切合作Spur/promote intensive cooperation




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