

11月05日 编辑 39baobao.com


The Holy Grail of mobile puting is a portable device that has the power of a desktop puter, lasts more than a day on a single battery charge, and weighs next to nothing.


Right now, such a puter is still a myth.


But puter makers are pushing the limits of weight and power.


Today's so-called ultralight puters, which retail from about  1,800 to more than  3,000, are less than an inch thick, weigh less than three pounds, and he the puting power of a typical year-old desktop.


Yet many of the smallest, lightest puters are studded with tradeoffs. They, for example, won't last more than a few hours on a single battery, don't e with built-in CD or DVD drives, and he less powerful processors than "normal" PCs.


"Right now, people do see that you he to promise to get to the form factor," that is, the ideal size and weight, says Michael Abary, senior product marketing manager for Sony's Vaio line of notebook PCs. "But we're making plans to offset them [the promises]."

负责Sony笔记本电脑Vaio线产品营销资深经理Michael Abary说:"现在,人们看到电脑制造商不得不折衷设计方案,才能达到理想的大小和重量。但是我们正计划去弥补因折衷而造成的不足。

One of the most promising new technologies to help achieve that goal is a new breed of low-powered microprocessors that can vary the speeds at which they operate.


During plex puting tasks - such as crunching a large amount of numerical data in a spreadsheet - the processors might run at their top rate, or "clock speed." But for less demanding tasks - running a word processor or playing music, for instance - the chip can slow way down.


The chief advantage of these processors, including Intel's Mobile Pentium III-M and Transmeta Corp.'s Crusoe, is the power they se. At slow speeds, for example, they typically require less than 1 watt, which means a puter's rechargeable batteries will last much longer between charges.


Meanwhile, labs are testing new battery technologies.


For now, most rechargeable batteries, made of lithium, provide portable puters about four or five hours before they need to be recharged. But research into different, lighter materials - such as zinc bined with air - could produce batteries with greater "energy densities." If more power can be packed into less space, portable puters can be made even lighter than the current crop of ultralights.


"Unfortunately, unlike a lot of electronic technology which sees a doubling in capabilities every 18 months, battery technology growth is only linear," says Tom Bernhard, director of product marketing for Fujitsu. By Bernhard's estimates, really interesting developments won't happen for another three to five years.

Fujitsu公司产品营销主任Tom Bernhard说:"遗憾的是与每18个月能力就增长一倍的许多电子技术不一样,电池技术发展只是线性的。"据Bernhard推测,真正有趣的电池技术的发展在未来3至5年内不会出现。

While they wait for the battery improvements, puter makers are touting a new type of portable puter called the tablet PC, which they hope to offer for sale by next year. paq, NEC and Toshiba all showed off models at this week's dex puter trade show in Las Vegas.


These puters - typically the size and shape of an 1.5-inch-thick stack of typing paper - feature a screen that users can "write" on using a plastic stylus. The software, a special version of Microsoft's new Windows XP operating system, can interpret those pen strokes. And, instead of using a puter mouse to click on icons, users will merely tap on the screen to access the Inter or start programs.

这种电脑—— 一般只相当于1.5英寸打印纸的大小和形状——有一个用户可用塑料笔"写"的视屏。内置的软件是微软新版视窗XP的一种特殊版,它可以翻译笔写的内容。使用者不再使用鼠标去点击图标,仅仅靠触摸视屏就可以上网或启动程序。

Ted Clark, vice president for paq's Tablet PC, says such pen-based puters will he all the power, memory and features of an ordinary notebook puter.

康柏平板个人电脑的副总裁Ted Clark说,这种笔写式电脑具有普通笔记本电脑的运算能力、记忆和特征。

Such snazzy portables may not be as cheap as ordinary notebooks, however. Early tablet PCs were priced well above  3,000 because of expensive parts such as the touch-sensitive screen.






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