

02月17日 编辑 39baobao.com

[简短的新年快乐英语诗歌中文翻译]Rich blessings for health and longevity is my special wish for you in the coming year. 新年带给你和你所爱的人许多美好的事物和无尽的祝福! Please accept my season'...+阅读

警告标志 || Warning sign 禁令标志 || Prohibition sign 指示标志 || Mandatory sign 指路标志 || Guide sign 旅游标志 || Tourist sign 标线 || Marking 禁止超越线 || No-passing line 大型车 || Oversize vehicle 小型车 || Light-duty vehicle 自行车 || Bicycle 非机动车 || Non-motor vehicle 公共汽车 || Bus 机动车 || Motor vehicle 公共汽车优先 || Bus preemption,Bus priority 行车道 || Roadway,carriageway 超车道 || Overtaking lane 硬路肩 || Hard shoulder 国道 || National road 省道 || Provincial road 县道 || County road 高速公路 || Expressway 起点 || Starting point 终点 || End point 一般道路 || Ordinary road 城市道路 || Urban road **街道 || * * street 互通式立交 || * * interchange 高架桥 || Viaduct 隧道 || Tunnel 收费站 || Toll station 应急停车带 || Emergency stop area 休息处 || Rest area 服务区 || Service area 避车道 || Lay-by,Passing bay 火车站 || Railway station 飞机场 || Airport 停车场 || Parking 长途汽车站 || Inter-city bus station 急救站 || First aid station 客轮码头 || Passenger quay 餐饮 || Restaurant 汽修 || Breakdown service 洗车 || Vehicle cleaning 加油站 || Filling station 电话 || Telephone 轮渡 || Ferry 爬坡车道 || Climbing lane 追尾危险 || Rear-end collision danger 保持车距 || Keep space 道路交通信息 || Traffic information 路面结冰 || Icy pavement 小心路滑 || Slippery road be careful 陡坡慢行 || Steep descent,slow-down 多雾路段 || Foggy section 软基路段 || Weak subgrade 大型车靠右 || Oversize vehicle to right 注意横风 || Alert to cross wind 事故多发点 || Blackspot 保护动物 || Protect animal 长下坡慢行 || Long descent,slow-down 道路封闭 || Road closed 车道封闭 || Lane closed 车辆慢行 || Slow down 道路施工 || Road construction,Road works 车辆绕行 || Vehicle by-pass 方向引导 || Direction guide 落石 || Falling rocks 双向交通 || Two-way traffic 其他危险 || Other dangers 道路或车道变窄 || Carriageway narrows 堤坝路 || Embankment road 限制高度 || Limited height 限制宽度 || Limited width 禁鸣喇叭 || Silence(No audible warning) 渡船 || Ferry boat 此路不通 || No through road


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