
Restaurant Reservations 饭店预约

11月24日 编辑 39baobao.com

[追求有效教学预约理想课堂]今天上午,我园按照计划邀请了平湖市名师 乍浦中心幼儿园的杨仕芳、郭亚娟两位老师来园 送教 。郭亚娟老师送来了一个中班歌唱活动《碰碰歌》,杨仕芳老师为大家作了一个题为《...+阅读

Key Sentences(重点句子)

60.I'd like to book a table for two for this weekend, March 28th.


61.What time do you like your table?


62.I'll reserve a table for two at 7∶30 p. m.


63.What is it going to be, Chinese food or Western food?


64.May I he your name please, Miss?


65.Please book it under the name of Mr. Wilson.


66.Is there any chance of a table by the window?


67.Since we he received many bookings, I can't guarantee anything.


68.Please be assured that we'll try our best.


69.I appreciate it if it could be arranged.


70.We'll keep the table for you until 7∶20.


71.You know it's always busy at the weekend.


72.We'd like to hold a farewell dinner for some friends


73.Anything special on the menu?


74.As for other dishes, I'll lee the choice to you if you don't mind.


75.If you want to see what is to be on the menu, please e here or make a call tomorrow afternoon.


Dialogue A

(A: a waiter of Peace Restaurant; B: Miss Lin, the secretary)

A: (The telephone is ringing. ) Hi, Peace Restaurant. Can I help you?

B: Yes, I'd like to book a table for two for this weekend, March 28th.

A: What time do you like your table?

B: At 7∶30 on Friday evening.

A: Fine! I'll reserve a table for two at 7∶30 p. m. And what is it going to be, Chinese food or Western food?

B: Western.

A: May I he your name please, Miss?

B: Please book it under the name of Mr. Wilson. By the way, is there any chance of a table by the window?

A: I see. But since we he received many bookings, I can't guarantee anything. Please be assured that we'll try our best, Miss. I hope you'll understand.

B: I do, but I appreciate it if it could be arranged.

A: I'll try my best. So, it's Mr. Wilson, a table for two on this Friday evening. It's Western food and the guests are ing at 7∶30. OK?

B: That's right.

A: Thank you for calling us. Good-bye.

B: Good-bye.

Dialogue B

(A waitress of the'Taste Garden'is answering the call from Miss Lin Juan. )

(A: the waitress; B: Miss Lin)

A: Hello. This is the'Taste Garden'。

B: Hello. Can I book a table for Saturday?

A: Certainly. How many of you are ing and what time would you like your table?

B: Ten. We'd like the table at seven on Saturday evening.

A: Your name, Miss?

B: Lin Juan, the secretary of Shanghai International Trading Corporation.

A: Miss Lin, we'll keep the table for you until 7∶20. You know it's always busy at the weekend.

B: It's all right. Thank you. Good-bye.

A: Good-bye.

Dialogue C

(Miss Li is calling the Golden Dragon Restaurant to book a dinner. )

(A: Miss Li; B: a waitress; C: the captain of the restaurant)

A: Excuse me. I want to speak to the captain here.

B: Just a moment, Miss.

C: I'm the captain here, Miss. Is there anything I can do for you?

A: Our pany is going to hold a farewell dinner for some friends. We'd like to book a dinner here.

C: When would you like to he the dinner?

A: Sunday evening.

C: How many of you will e to the dinner?

A: About eight.

C: Do you prefer Chinese food or Western food?

A: Chinese food.

C: That's OK. How much would you like to pay for each person?

A: Fifty yuan RMB for each person, excluding drinks.

C: Anything special on the menu?

A: Roast duck, and West Lake Vinegar Fish. As for other dishes, I'll lee the choice to you, if you don't mind.

C: With pleasure. How about drinks?

A: A bottle of Wuliangye and ten bottles of Qingdao beer, please.

C: All right So it's dinner for eight, at fifty each person, excluding drinks, on Sunday evening. Is that right?

A: That's right. Thank you very much.

C: Wele. Could you tell me your name please, Miss?

A: Li Juan.

C: Thank you, Miss Li. If you want to see what is to be on the menu, please e here or make a call tomorrow afternoon.

A: OK. Thanks. Good-bye.

C: Good-bye.

Notes 注 释

1.Peace Restaurant 和平饭店

2.a table for two 一张两人桌

3.Western food 西餐


Kentucky Fried Chicken 肯德基炸鸡

McDonalds 麦当劳


Cantonese dishes 粤菜

Sichuan cuisine 川菜

Shanghai cuisine 沪菜

Beijing cuisine 京菜

4.please be assured that… 请放心……

5.I appreciate it if… 如果……我将不胜感激。

6.under the name of… 以……的名义

7.Taste Garden 风味园(酒楼名)

8.How many of you are ing?



如:I'm leing for Shanghai this evening.


9.We'll keep the table for you until 7∶20.


如:I can't finish my work until 9 in the evening.


10.Is there anything I can do for you?



Can I help you?

What can I do for you?

11.How much would you like to pay for each person?


西方习惯是一桌酒席是按每位客人的平均支出计算,我国一般则按酒席的总价计算。所以,当服务员问:How much do you want to pay for the dinner? 您打算定多少钱一桌的酒席?你就要主动告诉服务员你事先与经理商量好的价位预订酒席。

12.with pleasure 乐意效劳

13.excluding drinks 不包括酒钱或酒另算钱

14.wele 不客气,在这儿的意思相当于“not at all”。

15.What is to be on the menu

动词 be+ to do 表示按计划将要发生的事。


如:What is to happen is to happen.


Words and Expressions

weekend /'wi: kend/ n. 周末

guarantee /?g$r+n'ti: / v. 保证

arrange /+'reind{/ v. 安排

captain /'k$ptin/ n. 酒店领班;管理员

hold /h+uld/ v. 举行,举办

farewell /'f#+wel/ n. 告别(会)

exclude /iks'klu: d/ v. 排除在外,不包括

roast /r+ust/ v. 烘烤

duck /d)k/ n. 鸭子

vinegar /'vinig+/ n. 醋

choice /tM&is/ n. 选择



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