

11月05日 编辑 39baobao.com

[电信优秀员工发言稿]优秀电信员工演讲稿一尊敬的各位领导、各位评委、各位来宾:大家好!我叫宗强,来自抚州分公司网操中心,我演讲的题目是:超越平凡,做最好的自己。 如果你是一滴水,你是否滋润了一寸...+阅读


packet media access controller


packet assembler-disassembler


printed circuit board


premises distribution system

Personal munications

Personal munications provides at least one human operator with direct terminal access and real time or near real time interactive munications with a remote human opera tor or an information system resource. Personal munications can refer to a broad range of services, systems and equipment, e.g., facsimile machines, landline telephones, cellular tele phone systems and emerging personal munication system (PCS) adjuncts, and a variety of radio systems including pagers, hand-held remote data entry terminals, and autonomous citizen-band- like radio systems.


physical-layer protocol


physical-layer media-dependent

Point-of-presence (POP)

A POP is a physical location within a LATA that an IXC establishes for the purpose of gaining access to BOC/LEC works within the LATA using LEC provided access services. An IXC may he more than one POP within a LATA and the POP may support public and private, switched and non switched services.




point of termination


public packet switched work

Premises Distribution System (PDS)

PDS is the transmission work inside a building or among a group of buildings, for example an office park or a campus. PDS is used in this book as a generic term although AT&T used it to describe a specific product offering. The PDS connects desktop and other station equipment with mon host equipment, (e.g., switches, puters and building automation systems), and to external telemunications works.

Private Branch Exchange (PBX)

A PBX is a premises switching system, serving a mercial or government anization, and usually located on that anization's premises. PBXs provide telemunications services on the premises or campus, (e.g., internal calling and other services), and access to public and private telemunications work services.

Private work

A private work is a work made up of circuits and, sometimes, switching equipment, for the exclusive use of one anization.


primary rate interface


Protocols are strict procedures for the initiation, maintenance and termination of data munications. Protocols define the syntax (arrangements, formats and patterns of bits and bytes) and the semantics (system control, information context or meaning of patterns of bits or bytes) of exchanged data, as well as numerous other characteristics (data rates, timing, etc.).


packet switched work


packet switched public data work


public switched telemunications work


postal, telephone, and telegraph

Public Switched Telephone work (PSTN)

A Public Switched Telephone work (PSTN) denotes those portions

of the LEC and IXC works that provide public switched telephone work services.


public utility mission

Pulse Code Modulation (PCM)

Pulse Code Modulation (PCM) is a modulation scheme involving conversion of a signal from analog to digital form by means of coding. See also modulation.


permanent virtual circuit

Partner*s Program - An indirect sales channel that offers smaller businesses in the TDS Tele service areas an opportunity to promote and sell TDS Tele products and services.

Password - A code or word used to gain access to restricted data on a puter work. While passwords provide security against unauthorized users, the security system can only confirm that the password is legitimate, not whether the user is authorized to use the password. That's why it is important to safeguard passwords by:

* Never disclosing your password to anyone.

* Creating a password that consists of letters, numbers, and symbols.

* Changing your password frequently.

PCS (Personal munications Services) - Originally meant to describe digital service offered at a higher frequency (1900 MHz) than wireless, it is now used as a generic term for all digital (versus analog) wireless.

PDF - An acronym for Portable Document Format, PDF is a file type created by Adobe Systems, Inc. that allows fully formatted, high-resolution documents to be easily transmitted across the Inter and viewed on any puter that has Adobe Acrobat Reader software.

Peering - The arrangement of information sharing between Inter Service Providers at various NAPs.

PIC Freeze - Pre-subscribed Interexchange Carrier Freeze. An agreement between a customer and their local telephone pany to prevent ※slamming§ on their long distance telephone bill.

Pipeline - An extremely high-speed, large capacity bandwidth connection.

Point of Presence (POP) - A location where a you can connect to a work through local telephone lines.

Point-to-Point Protocol - A program that allows a puter to use a telephone line and modem to make TCP/IP connections.

PON (Passive Optical work) - a fiber-based work built without active electronics. Because a PON work uses optical splitters rather than costly active electronics, it is less expensive to build and maintain than a work that uses active electronics. PONs are still more expensive than copper-based works. A PON work is usually used in a local loop to connect customers to the central office. BPON (Broadband Passive Optical work) is a broadband PON.

POP - See Point of Presence and Post Office Protocol

Post Office Protocol (POP) - A system that allows hosts to get e-mail from a server.

POPs (Population equivalents) - The population of a market multiplied by the percentage ownership of that market.

PPP - See Point to Point Protocol



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