

02月15日 编辑 39baobao.com

[给你的朋友写一封信邀请他参加野餐]Dear Petter: This Sunday we will he a picnic.We want you to join us very much.The place is in Renmin Park.You would like to know how to get there,wouldn't you?...+阅读

Dear parents,

Hello!We are writing to invite you to the parent-teacher meeting at 7:20pm on 7th May in our school . Please bring a pen and some paper with you .

With regards,

Mr/Miss Guan,Class teacher,

xxx High School


我们班有个同学生病了肺炎老师叫我们给她写封慰问信怎么写XX: 你好! 我是你的同学XXX。从XX老师那里得知你生病了,非常担心。还好没有什么大碍。虽然我看不了你,但希望你看了我特地为你写的一封慰问信明白我们全班对你的思念。 XX我们...

如果学生想邀请老师烧烤要怎么用英语写是对话嘛~~LZ早说啊~~ - hi ,sir - hi - we plan to have barbecue on this Sunday, would you like to go with us? - that's geart , i like barbecue. - one shop in dow...


南国早报2015年9月21日星期三南国早报2015年9月21日星期一,头版内容: 1、明年东博会时间已定,主题国为越南,第12届中国-东盟博览会将于今日闭幕,下一届举办时间初步定为2016年9月23~26日; 2、南宁到东盟经开区...


如何写家长会的邀请词家 长 会 邀 请 函 尊敬的( )家长您好: 您想了解幼儿园的发展目标吗?您想了解孩子在幼儿园的学习情况吗?自2011年*月*日您的小孩入园以来,在家长和老师的共同配合下,我们的教育取得...

关于家长会邀请函英语作文50子Dear parents,There is a parents meeting in our school at Saturday afternoon from 3pm to 5pm,it will be held in each classroom,we hope every parents can attend t...

假如你叫李华你的一位美国留学生朋友Peter邀请你参加本周日在他Dear Peter I am extremely sorry to tell you that I am unable to go to your party this Sunday. It is very kind of you to invite me to your house and I hopefully...

请帮我用英语写一篇关于邀请家长到学校开家长会邀请函Dear parents:Hello. As the saying goes : the best in life, such as reading; as long to be, no such as godson. In order to read, to a degree, reading method, pro...
