

02月22日 编辑 39baobao.com

[帮我翻译一下八下英语听力材料]第一个 我想我要穿牛仔裤去派对(或者翻译为聚会), 如果你这么做,老师不会让你进去的。 我想我要待在家里。 如果你这么做,你会感到遗憾的。 我想我要坐公交去派对。 如果你这么做...+阅读

Second divorce led to an increase in single-parent children, lead to many social problems. From the perspective of children, especially adult children of divorce can be said that their children be detrimental rather than beneficial, children are the biggest victims of divorce, husband and wife. Single-parent children were not given due to the warmth of family life and education, in society to seek solace in the process, it is easy to go astray. Over the years, divorced parents raising a big party after the child's crime rate has been significantly higher than children of normal families. Many divorced parents in the issue of bringing up the children go to the extreme, or the growth of the child as the core content of their own lives and spiritual support, excessive discipline their children; pessimistic or negative, has done absolutely nothing for the child severely disadvantaged.


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