

02月22日 编辑 39baobao.com

[不客气翻译成英文]【不客气】 you are welcomnot at allDon`t mention it (It is my) pleasure 我国外的朋友回答【不客气】,都是只说一个词,pleasure,意为 能帮你,是我的荣幸。 非常简单明了。No...+阅读

Smoking is harmful to health

Every May 31st is world smoking day, smoking for us invulnerability without profit, not only is harmful to the body, but would cause disease, economically, especially for is still in the consumer's teenagers, it will be whether a than strengths-one expenditure, finishing absorb cigarette if litter words and may even cause fire... The dangers of smoking by more and more people pay attention to, the laws and regulations of our country has many on smoking this problem of cuo lost, such as even banned smoking in public places, banning teenage smoking, encourage smokers to give up smoking, etc, be far from "fireworks" learn to take care of our body


帮我把下面的英文句子翻译成汉语句子1.这是什么? 它们是一些字典。 What are they? They are some dictionaries. 2.她是你的朋友吗? 不,她不是。 Is she your friend? No, she isn't. 3.我的棒球在哪? 它在床底下...

简单翻译英文Hello~~~ Thanks for coming to my blog every day. I think you are really cute. l like you very much but my english is poor Please forgive me I am sorry to interr...

自我评价翻译英文Can when anything comes up calmly, cool-headed treatment, fairly good energy treatment unexpected event, has confidence to self , does not strike war of there b...

汉语翻译英文1. I don't think it's necessary to discuss the problem. 2. Everything has two sides. 3. Can you tell me how to make such a cake. 4. You discuss something only a...

把汉语翻译英文生活的理想源于理想的生活 the ideal of life is derive from living in ideal life. 工作是为了拥有更理想的生活 working is for enjoying better ideal life 有了理想的...

求职帮忙翻译英文the supervisor of factory thought that we put excessive color into flower patterns of our designed artworks.due to the cost,they had to decrease the number of c...

谁帮翻译英文你的小手缠在我的手指 而且它是如此安静今晚在世界 你的小眼皮扑事业 你在做梦 所以,我抱膝你并打开您喜爱的小夜灯 为了你,一切的滑稽 你没有什么可遗憾 我愿意付出我的全部...

商务合同翻译英文Str agreed, as has third party claimed party or party by license of looked using this software violations has third party of intellectual property or other prop...

翻译翻译英文We have been in elementary school six years, six years in life is not a small number, and some six years in life? We'll be respectively, the possible future jou...
