
you are the music in me的歌词是什么

02月16日 编辑 39baobao.com

[计算机执行一条指令的步骤是什么]执行一条指令的步骤是:取指令、指令分析和指令执行。 简单说一下吧,取指令是按照指令计数器的内容访问主存储器,取出一条指令送到指令寄存器。指令分析是指对指令的操作码进行...+阅读

na, na, na na, na, na, na, yeah you are the music in me 你是我心中的一首歌 you know the words once upon a time 你知道,当你愿意认真聆听的时候 make you listen, there's a reason 那一定有一个原因 when you dream, there's a chance you'll find 当你用心期待的时候,就会出现一个机会 a little laughter, or happy ever after 无论随之而来的是讥笑还是欢乐 your harmony to melody 你和谐的旋律 it's echoing inside my head 回荡在我的脑中 a single voice, above the noise 那独一无二的声音,穿越了繁杂喧嚣 and like a common friend 就像一个老朋友 mhmm, you're foolin' me mhmn,你开我玩笑呢吧 when i hear my favorite song 当我听到了我最爱的歌 i know that we belong 我知道我们彼此相通 oh, you are the music in me 哦,你是我心中的一首歌 yeah, it's living in all of us 是的,它响起在我们的心中 and it brought us here because... 它指引我们至此因为 you are the music in me 你是我心中的一首歌 na, na, na, na, oh na na, na, na, na, yeah, yeah, yeah (na, na, na, na) you are the music in me 你是我心中的一首歌 it's like i knew you before we met (before we met) 这就像在我们相遇之前就已经相识 can't explain, there's no name (no name for this) 简直无法用语言来描述 i'm saying words i never said 我从未这般坦诚过自己 and it was easy, because you see the real me as i am, you understand 但在你面前,一切顺理成章,因为我们彼此了解 and that's more than i've ever known to hear your voice (hear your voice) above the noise 你那穿越喧嚣的声音胜过我所听过的一切 and know i'm not alone 从此知道自己并不孤独 oh you're singing to me 你是在对我歌唱 when i hear my favorite song 当我聆听这首最爱的歌 i know that we belong 我知道我们已经彼此相通 oh, you are the music in me 你是我心中的一首歌 it's living in all of us 这旋律无处不在 and it's brought us here because... 它终于将我们指引至此因为 you are the music in me 你是我心中的一首歌 together we're gonna sing (yeah) 我们终于在一起歌唱 we got the power to sing what we feel (what we feel) 我们终于唱出心中的歌 connected to me 一句一句,彼此承接 and keep it all inside 留住所有美好的感觉 na, na, na, na, oh na, na, na, na, yeah, yeah, yeah na, na, na, na you are the music in me na, na, na, na na, na, na, na na, na, na, na you are the music in me 你是我心中的一首歌 when i hear my favorite song (favorite song) 当我聆听这首最爱的歌 i know that we belong (we belong) 我知道我们已经彼此相通 oh, you are the music in me 你是我心中的一首歌 yeah, it's living in all of us 这旋律响起在我们的心中 it brought us here because... 它终将我们指引至此因为 you are the music in me 你是我心中的一首歌 na, na, na, na na, na, na, na na, na, na, na you are the music in me 你是我心中的一首歌



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