

11月12日 编辑 39baobao.com


Transport can be a major expense for many panies,especially when cars he to be provided for both managerial and sale staff. __1__ As a result, it's important to keep a close eye at the many costs __2__ associated with pany cars and how these different costs pare.

The moment a new car is driven away from the showroom,its value will drop as much as 12 percent. This is what is __3__ known as depreciation and is the largest single cost to the buyer of a new vehicle. Depreciation is the highest in the __4__ first two years of a vehicle's life: at the end of that period a car could be worth just the third of its brand new price. __5__ Although the rate of depreciation decreases as time goes by, it remains a major cost factor, as around 85 percent of pany vehicles are brought brandly new. __6__ However, it is important to know that some cars depreciate much more than others——regardless of price. This is often __7__to do with rarity and prestige value. The more mon the car, the more quickly, in general, it loses vaule. Exported __8__ models, which are restricted in number, can hold their value better than those are produced domestically and widely ailable. __9__ In the same way, depreciation on a new model of a particular make may be low for the first few years after their launch. __10__ This happened when diesel cars were first introduced. They depreciated more slowly when they were rarely seen; now that they are relatively mon, this is no longer true.


1. sale—sales。

名词做定语时一般用单数形式,但在个别情况下也需要用复数。此处sales便是这种情况。再如 arms race 军备竞赛,sings bank储蓄银行。

2. at—on。keep an eye on为固定搭配。

3.drop后面加by。by与as much as 12 percent结合,做谓语动词drop的表示程度的状语。

4. 删除highest之前的the

5. the—a。序数词表示次序时要用定冠词修饰。

6. brandly—brand。“崭新地”习惯用brand new或brand-new,此处修饰brought,做状语,意义相当于“崭新地”。

7. more—less。less所在的句子是该段落的主题句,据该段落的细节可知应为less。

8. Exported—Imported。根据常识,进口车由于其进口的数量受到限制,有可能比国产车贬值得慢一些。

9. are之前加which/that 或 删除are。要么使用定语从句修饰those,妖媚用形容词做those的补足语。

10. their—its/the。据上下文,its或the指代或特指a new model of a particular make



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