
Unit 2 English around the world重点词汇

11月30日 编辑 39baobao.com

[春季需要重点防范的八种疾病一]重点防范一 流感症状表现:专家介绍,初期症状明显,包括有高烧、头痛、喉咙痛、肌肉酸痛、全身无力等,之后咳嗽和流鼻涕症状会陆续出现,部分幼儿可能出现腹痛、呕吐等肠胃症状。流...+阅读

Words and expressions

bathroom n.[c] a room equipped with facilities for taking a bath or shower and usually also containing a sink and toilet 浴室; (委婉语)洗手间

go to the bathroom 上洗手间

make oneself at home 别客气

towel n. 毛巾

landlady n. 女房东;女地主

closet n. 壁橱; 储藏室

pronounce v. make the sound of a letter or word发音

The word "right" and "write" are spelt differently but they are pronounced the same.


v. declare solemnly or publicly宣判;宣告

He was pronounced guilty. 他被宣判有罪。

broad adj. wide, a long way from one side to the other 宽的 (broader; broadest)

Nothing but water can be seen on the broad ocean. 在广阔无边的海洋上能见到的只是水。

repeat v. say or do something again 重复;反复

Please repeat what I said. 请把我说的话再重复一遍。

n. doing something again 重复;再做

a repeat of television programme 电视节目重播

ketchup n. 蕃茄酱

majority n. most things or people in a group 多数,大多数

The majority of Chinese people he television. 中国大多数人都有电视。

native adj. of the place where you were born 本国的;本地的

He was happy to return to his native land. 他回到了故乡,很高兴。

total n. plete amount总数;全部

Please add these numbers together and tell me the total. 请把这些数字加起来并告诉我总数。

adj. plete; entire总的;全部的

What is the total amount? 总数是多少?

in total 总共

tongue n. the part inside the mouth that moves when you talk, eat, lick, etc. 舌头

Put your tongue out. 伸出你的舌头。

n. language 语言

I speak nothing but our mother tongue. 我只说我们的本国语。

mother tongue 母语

equal adj. the same in number or size相等的

Men and women he equal rights in people's China. 在人民中国男女的权力平等。

adj. hing the courage, strength, ability, etc. needed for 胜任的

Being ill, I am not equal to the journey. 我因病不能参加这次旅行。

vt. be exactly the same amount as something 等于

Two plus two equals four. 二加二等于四。

vt. be as strong, good, etc. as someone 比得上

Nobody equals him in English. 在英语方面没有人能同他相比。

government n. group of people who rule a country 政府

The Government decided to adopt the plan. 政府决定采纳那个计划。

situation n. a position or condition at the moment处境;局面

Measures must be taken to meet this situation. 必须采取措施来应付这个局面。

n. the way things are at a certain time处境;境遇

He's in a difficult situation and doesn't know what to do. 他的处境很困难,不知怎么办才好。

n. place where a town, building, etc. is地点;位置

The castle has a lovely situation on a hill. 城堡座落在山上,环境优美。

except for apart from;were it not for 除…外

His position is good except for some spelling mistakes.


international adj. between countries国际的;世界的

The United Nations is an international anization. 联合国是一个国际组织。

anization n.[c] group of people, countries, etc. who are working together for some purpose组织;团体

The Red Cross is a big international anization. 红十字会是一个庞大的国际组织。

trade n.[u] buying and selling 贸易

Foreign trade is important to most countries. 对多数国家来说,对外贸易很重要。

n. (pl. trades) a business行业

Shoemaking is a useful and necessary trade. 制鞋是一种有用的、必不可少的行业。

tourism n. the practice of treling for pleasure 观光

the business of providing tours and services for tourists 旅游业global adj. worldwide:全球的 hing the shape of a globe球形的

global inflation 全球性的通货膨胀

municate to express oneself in such a way that one is readily and clearly understood交际;沟通

That ability to municate was strange in a man given to long, awkward silences.


v. pass on (news, information, feelings, etc.) to sb. or sth. 传达(消息、感情等)

municate the new data to our office, please. 请给我们办公室传送新资料。

v. share or exchange (news, etc.) (with sb.) 通信,通讯(与 with 连用,后接某人)

I municate with him regularly by letter. 我们经常与他通信。

munication n. message; what you tell or write通信;交流

Telegraph munication was broken off. 电报通讯已经中断。

exchange vt. give one thing and get another thing for it 交换

Will you exchange seats with me? 你愿同我调换座位吗?

n. the act of exchanging; giving and taking; that which is exchanged 交换;交换物

Let's he an exchange of views on the matter. 让我们对这件事交换一下意见吧。

service n. the act of serving; something done to help another服务;服务性工作

The food was good but the service was poor. 饭菜很好,但服务不行。

signal n.[c] a sign which tells somebody to do something 信号;暗号

A red light is usually a signal of danger.


movement n.[u] moving or being moved运动;动作

I lay there without movement. 我一动也不动(地)躺在那里。

She watched the dancer and tried to copy her movements.


peg n.[c] 钉;栓;桩

mander n. an officer who leads a group of soldiers指挥官;司令员

General Howe is mander of the British forces. 豪将军是英国司令官。

tidy v. put things in their right places; make something clean and neat 使整齐;弄整洁

The waitress tidied the table. 女招待把饭桌抹擦干净。

adj. with everything in the right place; neat整齐的;整洁的

The reading room is very tidy. 阅览室十分整洁。

stand n. upright piece of furniture that holds something台;架

a fruit stand 水果摊

n. place where people can sit or stand to watch races, sports, etc. 看台

The stands were packed. 看台上座无虚席。

stay up not go to bed; refrain from taking rest 不睡觉;熬夜

We stayed up until after midnight. 我们呆到午夜之后才去睡觉。

e about e to pass, happen, attain fulfillment 发生

The accident es about in this way. 这事故就是这样发生的。

independent adj. free; not controlled by another person, thing, or country 自主的;独立的

Some of the students he an ability of independent thinking. 有些学生具有独立思考的能力。

fall n. autumn 秋天

n. place where a river drops suddenly over a high place 瀑布

We visited Niagara Falls on our vacation. 假期我们参观了尼亚加拉大瀑布。

expression n. look on one's face表情

He looked at me with a very strange expression. 他以一种很古怪的神情注视着我。

n. the act of expressing especially in words 表达

In class the teacher ge expression to his hopes for a new subject.


n. a word or phrase used as a mon saying 词组;短语

At first we'll learn new words and expressions and then go over the text.


end up with finish 以…而结束

The meeting ended up with a song. 会议在歌声中结束。

Our game always ends up in a quarrel. 我们总是在吵闹中结束比赛。

typhoon n. a tropical cyclone occurring in the western Pacific or Indian oceans


tornado n.a whirlwind or hurricane 飓风,龙卷风

Spanish n.西班牙语; 西班牙人 adj. 西班牙(人)的,西班牙语的

Most of the people there speak Spanish, Portuguese or French.


The Spanish he had many great painters and writers.


publish vt. to print for sale to the public出版;发表

The book was published in 1980. 那本书是在1980年出版的。

vt. to make known to the public 公布

Today's newspaper published this news. 今天的报纸发表了这个消息。

southern adj. of, from, or in the south part of a town, country, the world, etc. 南方的;南部的

The foreign visitors are going to trel in some southern provinces of China.


statement n. something that is said; a report 陈述;声明;宣布

Robert made a statement to the police about the robbery that he saw.


president n. head of a government, especially in a country that has no king or queen 总统

Two years later, he was elected president of the United States. 两年后,他当选了美国总统。

n. the chief officer of a branch of government, a corporation, a board of trustees, a university, or a similar body 校长,会长,主席

We chose him president of our club. 我们选他为我们俱乐部的主持人。

European adj. 欧洲的; 欧洲人的 n 欧洲人

bring in introduce 引入

They brought experienced people in to help. 他们请有经验的人来帮忙。


The boys bring in £60 a week. 这些男孩子每周赚60镑。

a great many very much 许多许多

He made a great many mistakes. 他犯了许多的错误。

howl vi. &n. 嚎叫

cookbook n. 食谱

pare vt. think about, or look at, two or more things or people so that you can see the differences 比较

pare your answers with those at the back of the book to see if they are right.


replace vt. put one thing in place of another thing 替换

More new machines will be installed to replace the old ones.将安装更多新机器来代替旧机器。

the United Kingdom 英国

Pakistan n. 巴基斯坦(南亚国家)

Nigeria n. 尼日利亚(非洲国家)

the Philippines n. 菲律宾共和国;菲律宾群岛

Florida n. 佛罗里达州



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