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[创造更适合我们班级孩子的“学讲”英语课]李涛涛 ],自从徐州市推进 学讲计划 以来,一直在努力探索 学讲 之路,在这个过程中,经历了很多困难和挫折,但也意外收获了许多。学讲 课堂重视的是学生自己真实的学习的发生,所以学...+阅读


东北师范大学外国语学院 林正军

摘 要:高考英语改错题是考生感到棘手的题型之一。本文着重分析了高考英语改错题的题型特点以及错误类型,旨在帮助考生认清高考英语改错题的题型特点、解题方法及其错误类型,为考生解答高考英语改错题提供思考方法。












(1)They offered me coffee and other drinks.We he a good time talking and laughing together. had(1996.92)

(2)Dear Bob,

Hello.I learn about you from my English teacher Miss Fang. learned(1997.86)

(3)My forite sport is football.I was a member of our school football team. am(1998.86)

(4)I am happy with any programme but the others spent a lot time arguing... was(1999.92)

(5)I remembered her words and calm down. calmed(2000.83)

(6)They did not want me to do any work at home;they want me to devote all my time to my studies so that... do(2001.79)

(7)The time passes quickly.Evening came. passed(2002.82)



(1)They were eager to know everything about China and asked me lots of question. questions(1996.94)

(2)We study quite a few subject,such as maths,Chinese,English and physics. subjects(1997.91)

(3)We practise three times every week and often watch football match on TV together. matches(1998.88)

(4)She said that she and my schoolmate all wished me success,but... schoolmates(2000.77)

(5)...;they want me to devote all my time to my studies so that I'll get good marks in

all my subject. subjects(2001.81)

(6)On the way up I was busy taking picture since the scenery was so beautiful. pictures(2002.82)




(1)They∧eager to know everything about China and asked me lots of questions.(形容词不能单独

作谓语) were(1996.93)

(2)I'd like to∧your penfriend ,and get to know more about your country. be/bee(1997.87)

(“I'd like to...”中的“to”为动词不定式的标志词,其后必须加动词原型)

(3)I live in Beijing,where is the capital of China. which(1997.89)


(4)What∧your fourite sport? is(1997.94)


(5)I look forward to hear from you soon. hearing(1997.95)


(6)Play football not only makes us grow up tall and strong but also... Playing(1998.89)


(7)Also,the sport teaches us the important of obedience(服从). importance(1998.93)


(8)I was often a little tired after a day's work and watch TV demands very little effort. watching(1999.88)


(9)Unfortunate,there are too many people in my family. Unfortunately(1999.89)


(10)...but it didn't matter that I would win or not. whether(2000.78)


(11)My parents love me dearly of course and will do all they can∧make sure that I get a good education. to(2001.78)

(此句中“all they can”为“all that they can do”的省略形式,“to make sure that...”为动词不


(12)...,but we do not seem to get much time to talk about together. about(2001.83)


(13)It was about noon∧we arrived at the foot of the mountain. when(2002.78)




(1)Today I visited the Smiths-my first time visit to an American family. time(1996.86)

(2)In fact,they are planning to visit China in next year. in(1996.95)

(3)First,let me tell you something more about myself. more(1997.88)

(4)We practise for three times every week and often watch football match on TV together. for(1998.87)

(5)Now I can't watch much television,but a few years ago I was used to watch it every night.much(1999.86)

(6)Whenever I see them I will often think of my English teacher. often(2000.85)

(7)I was so tired that I fell asleep at the moment my head touched the pillow. at(2002.85)



(1)It was very kind for them to meet me at the railway station and drove me to their home. of(1996.88)

(2)I use to play ping -pong a lot in my sparetime,but... used(1997.92)

(3)Some wanted to see the programme while others preferred another. one(1999.91)

(4)...but the others spent a lot∧time arguing and ... of(1999.93)

(5)When I was on the stage the next day,I felt so nervous as I shook like a leaf. that(2000.80)

(6)Suddenly,I caught a sight of my English teacher in the crowd. a(注:a为需删去的词)(2000.81)

(7)Like most of my schoolmates,I he neither brothers nor sisters—in any other words,I am an only child. any(any需为删去的词)(2001.77)




(1)Today I visited the Smiths-my first visit to a American family. an(1996.87)

(2)Each player must obey∧captain,who is the leader of the team. the(1998.94)

(3)Suddenly,I caught a sight of my English teacher in the crowd. a(注:a为需删去的词)(2000.81)

(4)We may be one family and live under a same roof,but... the(2001.82)

(5)As everyone knows,it's∧famous mountain with all kinds of plants and animals. a(2002.76)



(1)The Smiths did his best to make me feel at home. their(1996.90)

(2)And they must not break the rules too often if we want to win the game. we(1998.95)

(3)Now someone at home reads instead. everyone/everybody(1999.95)

(4)The day before the speech contest∧English teacher talked to me. my(2000.76)

(5)It was about noon when we arrived at the foot of the mountain.The three of them were very excited. us(2002.79)



(1)It was very kind of them to meet me at the station and drove me to their home. drive(1996.89)

(2)Playing football not only makes us grow up tall and strong but also give us a sense of fair play and team spirit. gives(1998.90)

(3)She was smiling but nodding at me. and(2000.82)

(4)I remembered her words and clam down. calmed(2000.83)

(5)It looks as if my parents treat me as a visitor and a guest. or(2001.84)

(6)The food was expensive and the service was good. but(2002.80)

(7)As we climbed the mountain,we fed monkeys,visiting temples and told stories. visited(2002.83)



(1)...but now I am interesting in football. interested(1997.93)

(2)We must keep in mind that we play for the team instead∧ourselves. of(1998.92)

(3)Now I can't watch television,but a few years ago I was used to watch it every night. was(注:was为需删去的词)(1999.87)

(4)Unfortunately,there are too many people among my family. in(1999.90)

(5)They did not want me to do any work at family;they want me to... home(2001.80)

(6)Do they really understand their daughter?What things are in other homes,I wonder. How(2001.85)

(7)Evening came down. down(注:down为需删去的词)(2002.83)







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