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[创造更适合我们班级孩子的“学讲”英语课]李涛涛 ],自从徐州市推进 学讲计划 以来,一直在努力探索 学讲 之路,在这个过程中,经历了很多困难和挫折,但也意外收获了许多。学讲 课堂重视的是学生自己真实的学习的发生,所以学...+阅读


First read the questions.

37.The Chicago GSB M.B.A. Programme for Executives is scheduled to be pleted within ____.

A.22 months

B.20 months

C.16 weeks

D.14 weeks

38.If you are in Malaysia, when is your attendance date?

A.January 17th.

B.January 15th.

C.January 29th.

D.February 27th.

Now go through TEXT J quickly to answer questions 37 and 38. CHICAGO

Worldwide campuses. World renowned faculty. World class M.B.A. degree. A world of opportunity. Limitless, lifelong opportunity awaits you when you attend the University of Chicago Graduate School of Business, and now you can do so from anywhere in the world. Experience international business firsthand at the only top ranked graduate school with campuses worldwide. The Chicago GSB M.B.A. Programme for Executives spreads 16 weeks of class sessions over 20 months so you can earn this renowned degree without leing your job or relocating. Base your studies in Singapore; then collaborate with executives at our Chicago and Barcelona campuses. Learn not just the business theories of today but the business framework of tomorrow from the most acclaimed faculty in the world. Establish a global work of acplished peers. And benefit for the rest of your life from the leadership training, the thinking, the relationships that bee yours at Chicago GSB. If you are a toplevel manager seeking an unparalleled general management education, apply to the Chicago GSB M.B.A. Programme for Executives. And be among those who shape the future. The University of Chicago Graduate School of Business Where world class leaders emerge. Chicago GSB / Asia Campus 101 Penang Road, Singapore 238466 telephone 65 238 2196〓fax 65 835 6483email singapore.inquiries&emspgsb.uchicago.edu.gsb.uchicago.edu/execMBASia Please reserve your attendance by fax or email. Jakarta 15/Jan,Tuesday The Grand Hyatt Hotel 19:00-21:30 Manila 24/Jan,Tuesday Taipei The ShangriLa Edsa Plaza 19:00-21:30 The Grand Formosa Regent Hotel Hotel 17/Jan,Tuesday Kuala Lumpur 19/Feb,Tuesday 19:00-21:30 The Regent Hotel 19:00-21:30 29/Jan,Tuesday Bangkok 19:00-21:30 Singapore The Grand Hyatt Erawan Hotel GSB Asia Campus 22/Jan,Tuesday Hong Kong 27/Feb,Tuesday 19:00-21:30 The Mandarin Oriental Hotel 19:00-21:30 05/Feb,Tuesday Tokyo 19:00-21:30 The Imperial Hotel

37. The Chicago GSB M.B.A. Programme for Executives is scheduled to be pleted within ____.

A) 22 months

B) 20 months

C) 16 weeks

D) 14 weeks

38. If you are in Malaysia, when is your attendance date?

A) January 17th.

B) January 15th.

C) January 29th.

D) February 27th.


First read the questions.

39.Who has written Cultural Amnesia: America’s Future and the Crisis of Memory?

A.Michael G.Zey.

B.Stephen Bertman.

C.Don Tapscott, et al.

D.Marvin Cetron et al.

40.Which book is a collection of papers?

A.Digital Capital: Harnessing the Power of Business Webs.

B.Cheating Death: The Promise and the Future Impact of Trying to Live Forever.

C.The Future Factor: The Five Forces Transforming Our Lives and Shaping Human De stiny.

D.The University in Transformation: Global Perspectives on the Future of the Uni versity.

Now go through TEXT K quickly to answer questions 39 and 40.

Digital Capital: Harnessing the Power of Business Webs by Don Tapscott, Did T

icoll, and Alex Lowy. Harvard Business School Press. 2000. 272 pages. Electronic business webs he demolished the rules of petition. Innovative partnerships of digitally linked producers, suppliers, service providers, and customers are accelerating productivity and generating wealth in entirely new ways. This book offers a behind the scenes look at success stories such as Linux, eBay, and Cisco, and provides a step by step process for implementing an effective business web strategy. Regular Price: 27.50 The University in Transformation: Global Perspectives on the Future of the University edited by Sohail Inayatullah and Jennifer Gidley. Bergin & Garvey/Greenwood Publishing Group. 2000. 270 pages. This anthology of essays from scholars around the world describes how the forces of technology and economic globalization may alter what we think of as higher education. Topics include the virtual university, paying for college, feminist a lternative universities, the role of corporations in higher education,and the ri se of “multiversities”. Regular Price: 65.00 The Future Factor: The Five Force Transforming Our Lives and Shaping Human Destiny by Michael G.Zey. McGraw Hill. 2000. 289 pages. This optimistic vision of the human future argues that unprecedented opportuniti es for growth are emerging from breathtaking innovations in biotechnology, put ing, robotics, medicine, energy development, and space technology. Powerful new forces altering society and the global economy include cybergenesis, the merging of humans and smart machines, and biogenesis, the harnessing of geic technol ogies to improve ourselves. Regular Price:  24.95 Cheating Death: The Promise and the Future Impact of Trying to Live Forever by Marvin Cetron and Owen Dies. St. Martin’s Press. 1998. 224 pages. With advances in medicine and new gene research, the human life span could exte nd hundreds of years. But a future of billions of people “cheating death” coul d he devastating impacts on societies, the economy, the environment, and fami ly life. Regular Price:  21.95 Cultural Amnesia: America’s Future and the Crisis of Memory by Stephen Bertman. Praeger. 2000. 176 pages. American society is losing its memory: 60% of American adults cannot name the pr esident who ordered the dropping of the first atomic bomb, and 42% of college se niors cannot place the Civil War in the correct half of the nieenth century. This loss of culture memory, as insidious as Alzheimer’s disease, eats away at t he soul of the nation, says Bertman, author of Hyperculture . He argues that, t o build a culture worthy of the future, Americans need to move away from their m aterialistic, present oriented lives and get more in touch with other dimension s of time. Regular Price:  35.00

39. Who has written Cultural Amnesia: America’s Future and the Crisis of Memory?

A) Michael G.Zey.

B) Stephen Bertman.

C) Don Tapscott, et al.

D) Marvin Cetron et al.

40. Which book is a collection of papers?

A) Digital Capital: Harnessing the Power of Business Webs.

B) Cheating Death: The Promise and the Future Impact of Trying to Live Forever.

C) The Future Factor: The Five Forces Transforming Our Lives and Shaping Human De stiny.

D) The University in Transformation: Global Perspectives on the Future of the University.



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