

11月05日 编辑 39baobao.com


2339. spectral absorption factor ==>光谱吸收系数

2340. spectral absorptivity ==>单色吸收率

2341. spectral analysis ==>光谱分析,频谱分析

2342. spectral angular cross-section ==>能谱角截面

2343. spectral band ==>光谱带

2344. spectral characteristic ==>光谱特性

2345. spectral density ==>谱密度

2346. spectral function ==>谱函数

2347. spectral line ==>光谱线

2348. spectral line broadening ==>谱线增宽

2349. spectral line profile ==>谱线分布图

2350. spectral reflectance ==>光谱反射系数

2351. spectral reflection factor ==>光谱反射系数

2352. spectral response ==>光谱灵敏度

2353. spectral response characteristic ==>光谱响应特性

2354. spectral responsivity ==>光谱响应度

2355. spectral sensitivity ==>光谱灵敏度

2356. spectral structure ==>谱线结构

2357. spectral transmission factor ==>光谱透射系数

2358. spectral transmittance ==>光谱透射系数

2359. spectral window ==>谱窗

2360. spectro-angular cross section ==>谱角截面

2361. spectro-angular flux density ==>谱角通量密度

2362. spectrograph ==>摄谱仪,光谱仪

2363. spectrometer ==>分光计

2364. spectrophotometer ==>分光光度计

2365. spectroscope ==>分光镜

2366. spectrum ==>谱,光谱,频谱,波谱,交叉谱

2367. spectrum analysis ==>光谱分析

2368. spectrum analyzer ==>质谱分析仪,频谱分析器

2369. spectrum line ==>谱线

2370. spectrum widening ==>光谱展宽

2371. spectrum width ==>光谱宽度

2372. specular reflection ==>规则反射

2373. speech channel ==>电话信道

2374. speech chip ==>语言合成芯片

2375. speech generator ==>语音发生器,语言合成器

2376. speech quality ==>声音品质

2377. speech recognition ==>语言识别

2378. speech signal ==>语言信号

2379. speech synthesis ==>语言合成

2380. speech synthesizer ==>语音发生器,语言合成器

2381. speech transmission ==>语言传送

2382. speed ==>速度,速率

2383. speed adjustment ==>速度调节,速度调整

2384. speed at continuous rating ==>持续制功率下的速度

2385. speed at one hour rating ==>小时制功率下的速度

2386. speed calling ==>快速呼叫

2387. speed change box ==>变速箱

2388. speed characteristic ==>转速力矩特性,速度特性

2389. speed characteristic curve ==>速度特性曲线

2390. speed coefficient ==>速度系数

2391. speed control ==>速度调整,速度控制

2392. speed control range ==>速度控制范围

2393. speed control valve ==>速度控制阀

2394. speed controller ==>调速器

2395. speed correction signal ==>转速校正信号

2396. speed detection ==>速度检出

2397. speed distance curve ==>速度距离曲线

2398. speed droop ==>速度下降率

2399. speed electromotive force ==>速率电动势

2400. speed factor ==>速度因数

2401. speed flutuation ==>速度变动

2402. speed frequency ==>转速频率(电机的)

2403. speed gain ==>速度增益

2404. speed governing device ==>调速机构,调速装置

2405. speed governing oil pump ==>调速油泵

2406. speed governing operation ==>调速运行

2407. speed governor ==>调速器

2408. speed indicator ==>速度计

2409. speed limitator ==>限速器,转速限制器

2410. speed limiting ==>速度极限

2411. speed limiting device ==>限速装置

2412. speed-load characteristic ==>转速-负荷特性

2413. speed measuring instrumentation ==>速度测量仪

2414. speed meter ==>速度计

2415. speed-no-load ==>空载转速

2416. speed of circulation ==>循环速度

2417. speed of discharge ==>放电速度

2418. speed of photoresponse ==>光响应速度

2419. speed of reset ==>再调速度

2420. speed of response ==>响应速度

2421. speed of rotation ==>转速

2422. speed of transmission ==>传送速度,发送速度

2423. speed of turbine trip ==>跳闸动作转速

2424. speed of withdrawal ==>(控制棒)提棒速率

2425. speed oscillation ==>速度振荡

2426. speed overshoot ==>速度超调量

2427. speed performance ==>速度特性

2428. speed range ==>变速范围

2429. speed ratio ==>速比

2430. speed reducer ==>减速器

2431. speed regulating rheostat ==>调速变阻器

2432. speed regulation ==>速度调整

2433. speed regulator ==>调速器

2434. speed relay ==>速度继电器

2435. speed-time curve ==>速度时间曲线

2436. speed tolerance ==>容许转速偏差

2437. speed-torque characteristic ==>转速-转矩特性曲线

2438. speed-up ==>加速

2439. speed-up capacitor ==>加速电容器

2440. speed variator ==>变速器

2441. speed voltage ==>旋转电动势

2442. speed voltage generator ==>测速发电机

2443. speedometer ==>速度计

2444. spell ==>短时间中断,短时间间隔

2445. sphalerite ==>闪锌矿

2446. sphere ==>球

2447. sphere gap ==>球放电器球隙避雷器

2448. spherical ==>球的

2449. spherical aberration ==>球面象差

2450. spherical bearing ==>球面轴承

2451. spherical candlepower ==>球面烛光

2452. spherical city ==>球形谐振腔

2453. spherical mirror ==>球面镜

2454. spherical mirror resonator ==>球面镜谐振腔

2455. spherical photometer ==>球形光度计

2456. spherical reproducing stylus tip ==>球形唱针头

2457. spherical we ==>球面波

2458. spherometer ==>球面仪

2459. spider ==>电枢辐臂

2460. spider bonding technology ==>蛛网状焊接技术

2461. spider lead ==>蛛网状引线

2462. spider lead frame ==>蛛网状引线框

2463. spider web coil ==>扁平蛛网形线圈

2464. spill shield ==>遮光栅

2465. spin ==>旋转,自旋,施压成形,离心浇铸

2466. spin angular momentum quantum number ==>自旋角动量量子数

2467. spin burst test ==>旋转破坏试验

2468. spin counter ==>转速记数器,转速表

2469. spin dry wafer ==>旋转干噪薄片

2470. spin effect ==>自旋效应

2471. spin flip ==>自旋反转

2472. spin flip conversion ==>自旋反转

2473. spin flip laser ==>自旋反转激光器

2474. spin flip raman laser ==>自旋转向喇曼激光器

2475. spin intensity ==>旋转强度

2476. spin moment ==>自转力矩

2477. spindle ==>轴

2478. spinel ==>尖晶石

2479. spinner ==>旋转器

2480. spinning electron ==>旋转电子

2481. spinning reserve ==>运转备用

2482. spiral ==>螺旋,螺旋管,螺旋的,螺线,游丝,灯丝,螺旋形的

2483. spiral (helical) ribbon mixer ==>螺旋带式搅拌机

2484. spiral (mode)divergence ==>螺旋型扩散

2485. spiral agitator ==>螺旋搅拌器

2486. spiral angle ==>螺旋角, 捻角

2487. spiral arms ==>旋臂

2488. spiral arrangement ==>螺旋状排列

2489. spiral axis ==>螺旋轴线

2490. spiral bacteria ==>螺旋状细菌

2491. spiral balance ==>螺旋平衡重

2492. spiral-band brake ==>多往复带制动器

2493. spiral bar ==>螺旋筋

2494. spiral-beam modulation ==>螺旋电子束调制

2495. spiral bevel axle ==>螺旋斜轴

2496. spiral bevel gear ==>螺旋伞齿轮, 斜齿伞齿轮

2497. spiral bevel gear cutter ==>螺旋伞齿轮铣刀

2498. spiral bevel gear generating machine ==>螺旋伞齿轮滚齿机

2499. spiral bevel gear generator ==>螺旋伞齿轮滚齿机

2500. spiral bevel gear pair ==>螺旋伞齿轮副, 螺旋锥齿轮副

2501. spiral bevel gearing ==>螺旋伞齿轮装置

2502. spiral bevel gears with offset axes ==>轴线偏置螺旋伞齿轮

2503. spiral binding ==>螺旋装订

2504. spiral bit ==>螺旋钻头, 麻花钻头

2505. spiral blower ==>螺旋鼓风机, 叶轮式鼓风机

2506. spiral books ==>罗旋簿

2507. spiral borer ==>麻花钻

2508. spiral bottom ==>螺旋形犁体

2509. spiral Bourdon tube ==>螺旋弹簧管

2510. spiral breaker ==>螺旋辊揉布机

2511. spiral brush sifter ==>螺旋刷筛

2512. spiral cam ==>螺线凸轮, 螺旋凸轮

2513. spiral canal ==>蜗螺旋管

2514. spiral canal of cochlear axis ==>蜗轴螺旋管

2515. spiral case ==>蜗壳

2516. spiral cased water turbine ==>蜗壳式水轮机

2517. spiral-cased water turbine ==>蜗壳式水轮机

2518. spiral casing ==>蜗壳

2519. spiral cast ==>螺旋排绕, 反盘

2520. spiral-city mo(u)ld ==>螺线腔模

2521. spiral cell ==>螺纹细胞

2522. spiral charge ==>螺旋形锭料

2523. spiral chute ==>螺旋滑槽

2524. spiral classifier ==>螺旋分级机

2525. spiral cleaner ==>螺旋式选种机

2526. spiral cleage ==>旋裂

2527. spiral cloud ==>螺旋云系

2528. spiral coal unloader ==>螺旋选煤机

2529. spiral coil ==>螺旋线圈,螺旋形盘管,螺旋形线圈

2530. spiral column ==>螺旋形塔, 螺旋形柱

2531. spiral concentrator ==>螺旋选矿机

2532. spiral condenser ==>蛇形管冷凝器,盘管凝汽器

2533. spiral cone ==>旋锥体, 锥形螺旋式分离器

2534. spiral cone seed cleaner ==>螺旋锥式选种机

2535. spiral continuous slab ==>螺旋形连续板

2536. spiral convergence ==>螺旋收敛

2537. spiral conveyer ==>螺旋输送机

2538. spiral crest ==>螺旋嵴

2539. spiral crystal ==>螺旋形晶体

2540. spiral curve ==>螺旋曲线

2541. spiral cut end mill ==>螺旋槽端铣刀

2542. spiral cut milling cutter ==>螺旋槽铣刀

2543. spiral cut reamer ==>螺旋槽铰刀

2544. spiral cutter-head ==>螺旋形挖掘头

2545. spiral cutting ==>螺旋切削

2546. spiral delay line ==>螺线延迟线

2547. spiral diposition ==>螺旋形排列

2548. spiral disease ==>螺纹病

2549. spiral disk ==>旋转分像盘

2550. spiral dislocation ==>螺旋型位错

2551. spiral distortion ==>螺旋畸变, 螺旋形失真, 各向异性失真

2552. spiral drill ==>螺旋钻

2553. spiral duct ==>螺纹导管, 螺旋导管

2554. spiral effect of slipstream ==>滑流螺旋效应

2555. spiral electrode ==>螺旋形电极

2556. spiral elevator ==>螺旋式升运器

2557. spiral end ==>螺旋形终末

2558. spiral expander ==>螺旋伸张器, 螺旋形扩幅装置, 螺旋展平机

2559. spiral feeder ==>螺旋给料器,螺旋进料器

2560. spiral filament ==>螺旋形灯丝

2561. spiral fin ==>螺旋肋片

2562. spiral fin fuel element ==>螺旋肋燃料元件

2563. spiral finned tube ==>螺旋肋片管

2564. spiral flight ==>螺旋提升刮片

2565. spiral flow tank ==>旋流加气池, 斜流箱

2566. spiral-flow tank ==>旋流箱

2567. spiral-flow washer ==>旋流式清洗机

2568. spiral flute ==>螺旋槽, 螺旋钩

2569. spiral flute hand reamer ==>螺旋槽手用铰刀

2570. spiral flute hob ==>螺旋槽滚刀

2571. spiral fluted end mill ==>螺旋槽端铣刀

2572. spiral fluted expansion hand reamer ==>螺旋槽可胀式手铰刀

2573. spiral fluted expansion reamer ==>螺旋槽可胀式铰刀

2574. spiral fluted reamer ==>螺旋槽铰刀

2575. spiral fluted roller ==>螺槽辊

2576. spiral fluted tap ==>螺旋槽丝锥

2577. spiral fold ==>螺旋襞

2578. spiral forming ==>螺旋形绕管成形

2579. spiral four ==>四芯扭绞, 简单星绞

2580. spiral four cable ==>星绞四芯软电缆

2581. spiral fracture ==>扭转骨折, 螺旋形骨折

2582. spiral fracture of tibia ==>胫骨螺旋形骨折, 胫骨螺旋形骨折

2583. spiral fringe ==>螺旋形条纹

2584. spiral galaxy ==>旋涡星系

2585. spiral ganglion ==>螺旋神经节

2586. spiral ganglion of cochlea ==>蜗螺旋神经节

2587. spiral gear ==>螺旋齿轮, 螺旋形齿轮

2588. spiral gear drive ==>螺旋齿轮传动

2589. spiral gear teeth ==>螺旋齿轮齿

2590. spiral gearing ==>螺旋齿轮装置

2591. spiral gill ==>螺杆式针梳机

2592. spiral grain ==>螺旋纹理, 螺状纹理

2593. spiral grain index ==>螺纹指数

2594. spiral grain loader ==>螺旋式装粮机

2595. spiral grating ==>螺旋形光栅

2596. spiral grity separator ==>螺旋重力分离器

2597. spiral groove ==>螺旋槽

2598. spiral grooved tube ==>螺旋槽管

2599. spiral-groover roll ==>螺旋凹槽辊

2600. spiral growth ==>螺旋形生长

2601. spiral guide ==>螺旋形导向装置

2602. spiral head ==>分度头

2603. spiral heat exchanger ==>螺旋板式换热器

2604. spiral heater ==>盘管式加热器,螺旋形加热器,旋管加热器

2605. spiral helicine ==>螺旋状的,

2606. spiral highway ==>螺旋形公路

2607. spiral hoop ==>螺旋箍

2608. spiral hoop-iron ==>螺旋钢箍

2609. spiral hooping ==>加螺旋钢筋

2610. spiral horn ==>螺旋状角

2611. spiral induction sodium pump ==>螺旋式感应[电磁]钠泵

2612. spiral inlet ==>蜗管入口

2613. spiral jacket ==>螺旋式夹套

2614. spiral jaw clutch ==>螺旋面牙嵌式离合器

2615. spiral-jaw clutch ==>螺旋爪离合器

2616. spiral jaw coupling ==>螺旋形爪式联轴节

2617. spiral jet ==>螺旋喷流

2618. spiral layer ==>埃克曼层

2619. spiral ligament ==>螺旋韧带

2620. spiral limbus ==>螺旋缘

2621. spiral line ==>螺旋线

2622. spiral lobe (type) pressor ==>螺杆式压气机

2623. spiral lobe(type) pressor ==>螺杆压缩机

2624. spiral loop ==>可调谐环形天线

2625. spiral membrane ==>螺旋膜

2626. spiral micrometer ==>螺旋测微计

2627. spiral micrometer eyepiece ==>螺旋式测微目镜

2628. spiral microscope ==>螺旋显微镜

2629. spiral mixer ==>螺旋式混合器

2630. spiral mixing rod ==>螺旋搅拌棒

2631. spiral mo(u)ldboard ==>螺旋形犁壁

2632. spiral mode of motion ==>螺旋运动

2633. spiral mold cooling ==>铸型螺旋孔冷却

2634. spiral molding ==>螺旋形线脚

2635. spiral motif ==>螺旋线饰

2636. spiral motion ==>螺旋运动

2637. spiral movement ==>螺旋运动

2638. spiral oil grooves ==>螺旋油槽

2639. spiral oil press ==>螺旋榨油机

2640. spiral optical micrometer ==>螺旋光学测微计

2641. spiral orbit ==>螺旋轨道

2642. spiral-orbit spectrometer ==>螺旋轨道分光仪

2643. spiral an ==>螺旋器, 考蒂器

2644. spiral pancake winding ==>螺旋饼式绕组

2645. spiral path ==>螺旋形轨道

2646. spiral pattern ==>螺旋图样

2647. spiral picker ==>螺旋分选器

2648. spiral pin ==>螺旋销

2649. spiral plaary speed reducer ==>螺环行星减速器

2650. spiral plate ==>骨螺旋板

2651. spiral plate exchanger ==>旋板换热器

2652. spiral-plate heat exchanger ==>螺旋形片状热交换器

2653. spiral point ==>螺线极点

2654. spiral pointed tap ==>螺尖丝锥, 枪式丝锥

2655. spiral polymer ==>螺旋状聚合物

2656. spiral positive-displacement pressor ==>螺旋型正排量压气机

2657. spiral power spring ==>发条

2658. spiral press working spring ==>螺旋冲压弹簧

2659. spiral pressure ga(u)ge ==>螺旋管压力计

2660. spiral prismatic dislocation ==>蜷柱位错

2661. spiral production ==>轮番生产

2662. spiral prominence ==>螺旋凸

2663. spiral pump ==>螺旋泵

2664. spiral quad ==>扭绞四芯电缆, 星绞四线组

2665. spiral quad cable ==>星铰四心软电缆,星绞四芯软电缆

2666. spiral ramp ==>螺旋坡道, 螺旋式溜槽, 螺旋形滑道

2667. spiral ramp vortex generators ==>螺旋坡道涡流发生器

2668. spiral ratchet drill ==>擦旋钻

2669. spiral ratchet screwdriver ==>螺旋槽棘轮旋凿

2670. spiral reel ==>螺线轴

2671. spiral reinforcement ==>螺旋钢筋

2672. spiral-ribbed roll ==>螺旋凸棱辊

2673. spiral ring ==>螺旋环

2674. spiral ring structure ==>旋涡环形构造

2675. spiral-riveted pipe ==>螺旋铆接管

2676. spiral roller ==>螺柱滚子

2677. spiral rope ==>螺旋绳

2678. spiral roving frame ==>螺旋杆式粗纺机

2679. spiral rubber hose ==>缠绕胶管

2680. spiral sash balance ==>螺旋平衡重

2681. spiral scale ==>螺旋标度

2682. spiral scan ==>螺旋式扫描

2683. spiral scanning ==>螺旋扫描

2684. spiral scanning spot ==>螺旋扫描点

2685. spiral scroll ==>螺旋槽

2686. spiral seam ==>螺旋缝

2687. spiral seam tube (pipe) ==>螺旋焊缝管

2688. spiral separator ==>螺旋分离器, 螺旋分选器, 螺旋选矿机

2689. spiral septum ==>螺旋形隔板

2690. spiral shaft ==>螺旋轴

2691. spiral-shaped agitator ==>螺旋形搅动器

2692. spiral-shaped rotor ==>蜗壳形转子

2693. spiral slit ==>螺旋缝隙

2694. spiral slot ==>螺旋形槽

2695. spiral slotted oil control ring ==>开有螺旋槽的油环

2696. spiral spectrometer ==>螺旋形分光仪

2697. spiral spline broach ==>螺旋花键槽拉刀

2698. spiral spring ==>螺旋形弹簧,盘簧,蜷簧

2699. spiral spring suspension ==>盘簧悬置

2700. spiral spur gear ==>螺旋正齿轮

2701. spiral-staircase coil ==>毕特线圈

2702. spiral stairs ==>盘梯,螺旋梯

2703. spiral staple chute ==>暗井螺旋溜槽

2704. spiral steel pipe ==>螺旋钢管

2705. spiral stirrer ==>螺旋搅拌器

2706. spiral structure ==>螺环结构

2707. spiral superheater ==>螺旋管过热器

2708. spiral surface ==>螺旋面

2709. spiral sweep ==>螺旋形扫描

2710. spiral tamping machine ==>螺旋捣固机

2711. spiral tap ==>螺旋丝锥

2712. spiral taper pipe ==>锥形螺盘管

2713. spiral taper reamer ==>螺旋槽式锥铰刀

2714. spiral test ==>螺旋试验

2715. spiral thermometer ==>螺旋带式温度计

2716. spiral thickening ==>螺纹加厚

2717. spiral thread of trachead tube ==>气管螺旋丝

2718. spiral threaded roofing nail ==>螺纹屋面钉

2719. spiral tracheide ==>螺纹细胞

2720. spiral tube ==>螺旋管

2721. spiral-tube heat exchanger ==>螺旋管式热交换器

2722. spiral tungsten cable ==>螺线钨丝

2723. spiral type core ==>螺旋型铁芯,卷铁芯

2724. spiral-type seed grader ==>螺旋种子清选机

2725. spiral valve ==>螺旋瓣

2726. spiral vane disk cutter ==>螺旋叶盘式截装机

2727. spiral vector ==>螺旋矢量

2728. spiral vector current ==>螺旋矢量电流,复数电流,实数部(余弦)为实测电流。

2729. spiral vector method ==>螺旋矢量法

2730. spiral vector theory ==>螺旋矢量理论

2731. spiral vector voltage ==>螺旋矢量电压,复数电压,实数部(余弦)为实测电压。

2732. spiral vein of modiolus ==>蜗轴螺旋静脉

2733. spiral vessel ==>螺纹细胞, 螺旋血管

2734. spiral vessels ==>螺纹导管

2735. spiral vibrating conveyer ==>螺旋振动运输机

2736. spiral visual field ==>螺旋形视野

2737. spiral vortex ==>螺旋形涡流, 漩涡, 漩涡

2738. spiral water lift ==>螺旋提水器, 螺旋扬水机

2739. spiral weld ==>螺旋形焊缝

2740. spiral weld-pipe mill ==>螺旋焊管机

2741. spiral welded pipe ==>螺旋焊管

2742. spiral-welded pipe ==>螺旋焊接管

2743. spiral welded steel pipe ==>螺旋焊接钢管

2744. spiral weldedon wing stabilizer ==>焊接螺旋翼片式稳定器

2745. spiral welding ==>螺旋焊

2746. spiral welding steel pipe ==>螺焊钢管

2747. spiral wheel ==>螺旋齿轮,斜螺旋齿轮

2748. spiral winding ==>螺旋绕组,螺线绕法,螺旋式盘绕

2749. spiral wire column ==>螺线精馏柱

2750. spiral wire inserts ==>螺旋金属丝插入件

2751. spiral-wound electrode ==>螺旋状焊丝

2752. spiral wound gasket ==>缠绕式垫片

2753. spiral-wound gasket ==>螺旋形垫衬

2754. spiral wound module ==>螺旋卷式组件

2755. spiral yarn ==>螺旋花线

2756. spiraling ==>成螺旋形的

2757. splash free evaporation ==>无溅射蒸发

2758. splash proof machine ==>防溅型电机

2759. splice ==>电缆接头,连接套管

2760. splice box ==>电缆分线箱

2761. spliced pole ==>叠接电杆

2762. splicer ==>接合器铅工

2763. splicing ==>接合

2764. splicing ear ==>连接端子

2765. splicing fitting ==>接线夹

2766. splicing sleeve ==>连接套管,接续管

2767. splicing sleeve(circular) ==>接续管(圆形)

2768. splicing sleeve(oval) ==>接续管(椭圆形)

2769. spline analysis ==>样条分析

2770. split anode magron ==>分瓣阳极磁控管

2771. split brush ==>分裂式电刷

2772. split core ==>分裂铁心

2773. split field motor ==>分串激电动机

2774. split phase induction motor ==>分相感应电动机

2775. split phase motor ==>分相电动机

2776. split phase starting ==>分相起动

2777. split picture ==>分裂的图象

2778. split pole ==>分裂磁极

2779. split pole machine ==>分裂磁极电机

2780. split secondary ==>有抽头的次级线圈

2781. split stator ==>分段定子

2782. split winding ==>阶梯绕组

2783. splitting ==>分裂

2784. splitting key ==>切断按钮

2785. splitting of energy levels ==>能级分裂

2786. splitting of spectral lines ==>光谱线分裂

2787. splitting system ==>分裂系统

2788. sponge ==>海绵

2789. spongy lead ==>海绵状铅

2790. spontaneous discharge ==>自发放电

2791. spontaneous luminescence ==>自发发光

2792. spontaneous mode locking ==>自发模锁定

2793. spontaneous nucleation ==>自发成核

2794. spontaneous radiation ==>自发辐射

2795. spontaneous transition ==>自发跃迁

2796. spontaneous transition probability ==>自发跃迁几率

2797. spontaneous whisker growth ==>自发的须状晶体生长

2798. spool ==>绕线管

2799. spool insulator ==>圆柱形绝缘子

2800. spooler ==>绕线机

2801. spooling machine ==>绕



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