
外研版高一英语必修一module1 6重点句子

02月11日 编辑 39baobao.com


Important sentences of Module 1-6(Book1) Sentences: 1. What are the main differences between Junior High school and Senior High school? 2. Ms Sheen's method of teaching is nothing like that of the teachers' at my Junior High school. 3. I don't think I will be bored in her class. 我认为在她的课上我不会厌倦. 4. I am looking forward to doing it. 5. Li Kong is impressed with the teachers. The teachers make an impression on Li Kong. 6.Would you mind my\me answering it? Would you mind if I answered it ? 7.How are you doing?\How are you ? 8. How is it going ?\How is it ? 9. ---I have just been to my first language class . --- So have I .(我也是) \ So you have .(你确实是) 10.She avoids making you feel stupid . 11.We don't dare to \dare not say a word unless he asks us to. 12. I will do well in the exam with Mrs. Chen teaching me. 13.I would prefer to do translation rather than do revision. I would prefer doing translation to doing revision. I would rather do translation than do revision. I would do translation rather than do revision. 14.That's settled. 15 It's up to you. \That depends on you . 16. Have you got that ? 17.They didn't need the animals any more . T They no more needed the animals. 18. We didn't go to bed until midnight. 我们直到半夜才上床睡觉. We worked until midnight. 我们一直工作到深夜. 19.It has been six years since we said good-bye to each other. 我们离别已经六年了. It has been six years since we studied here. 我们不在这儿学习已经六年了. 20.This is the first time that I have visited your hometown. That was the first time that I had visited your hometown. 21.I feel very fortunate living \to live here. 22.They can't afford (to buy ) a new house. 23.The earth is forty-nine times larger than the moon. The earth is forty-nine times as large as the moon. The earth is forty-nine times the size of the moon. 24.It's getting brighter and brighter. 25. The closer you are, the more you will see. 26.---Are you any better? --- Much better. 27. It's your turn to be on duty. 28.It's hard to think of a world without metals . 29.Beners-Lee made it possible for everyone to use the Internet. 30.It would be better if we spent the time working on a computer. 如果我们把这些时间花在使用电脑上, 那就好了。



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