

02月12日 编辑 39baobao.com

[女生中专读商务英语好吗]中专读商务英语、以后的工作好找么: 首先你要自己认清自己;现在社会大的背景下,英语肯定是必备的技能了,商务英语有在英语中细分了市场,很多公司是需要这样的人才的。但是转念,你...+阅读

To provide every oral-English-learners with appropriate teaching services ,I suggest such oral courses be conducted on a small scale.I mean,each time,the number of learners participating in the class should be not more than 3. In brief, the vital perspective I want to insist on is that it is the small class,especially the class held at home(not in a large classroom)that will attain excellent effect! Having gained so much experience in practicing spoken English during my communication with foreigners for business in the past few years, I am quite familiar with the regularity of oral English .So I want to say, I have firm confidence that, if you determine to attend the class which will be held at my home ,you will make marvelous progress! Supposing you expect to have a try, please dial the number for further details (such as my home address、the time for class、the textbook used and the expense) about the oral course...



有关do和make开头的英语短语初一和初二学的do sports do a good deed 做一件好事 do away with 去掉,废除;弄死;浪费 do good to (=do sb. good) 有益于 do harm to (=do sb. good) 有害于 do much 极有用 do wrong 做错...


初一英语介词的用法请详细解答谢谢! 8 20 45 15一、介词及介词短语 介词像个“游离体”, 名前动后常出现, 一旦组成“某结构”, 句中成分有一位。 “介+宾”叫“介短”, 作“形、副”句里边。 “宾补、表、定、状”, 都能用得...

谁有七年级英语介词的全部用法介词at, in, on 的用法区别 一、表示时间的区别 1. 表示时间的某一点、某一时刻或年龄等用 at。如: I get up at six in the morning. 我早上六点钟起床。 早、午、晚要用on...

初中英语介词的用法in是+大地点的,例如一座城市阿、一个国家阿等大地方,就用in,例如:in China、in Foshan at后面+小地点,像小的乡村阿、小的飞机场阿、小的学校阿、房子阿等等,如:at home \at the ai...

初一英语常用的介词有哪些怎么用表示时间的介词: at:用于表示时刻,时间的某一点。 on:用于星期,某天,某一天的上午,下午,晚上(指具体的某一天时,一律用on in:用于表示周,月,季节,年,泛指上午,下午,晚上 before:在...之前 afte...

六年级动物作文900字世纪海啸中动物救人的感人故事 最近,印度洋海啸的受灾国人民备受世界关注,各国政府和人民都纷纷捐款赈灾,一头远在美国的泰国大象也不落人后,以自己的"独门绝技"为灾民们提供帮助...

用生活因二货而美好写篇作文大概五百字左右就行了在我伤心时给我带来安慰;在我寂寞时给我带来快乐;在我迷失方向时给我指引方向……谢谢你——书,生活因你而精彩! 小时候,童话书编织着我美丽的童年。《汤姆•索亚历险记》激发我...
