

02月10日 编辑 39baobao.com

[跪求!英语考试有什么快速准确做完形填空阅读理解的具体方法]完形填空:第一遍不填或者填一眼就能确定的答案 快速浏览下全文内容 明确文章的类型 以及表达的感情是褒扬还是批评或是感动 这步很关键。第二遍开始结合全文填词,简单的就不要...+阅读

Fred Astaire was born on May 10 1899 in Omaha Nebraska to Frederic E. Austerlitz an Austrian immigrant and traveling salesman and his wife Ann Geilus Austerlitz. Fred's sister Adele was older (98)_B___ eighteen months. She showed a (99)_C___ for dancing. In 1904 Mrs. Austerlitz moved with the children to New York. She was (100)__D__ on her children becoming stars. She wanted them to enter show (101)__B__. The following year Fred and Adele (102)_A__ their first performance. They played a small dancing bride and groom (新郎). (103)__A__ early on they only supported main characters in the plot their roles were actually very important. It's true that they (104)_C___ had any lines. Still they received much (105)__B__. Their success had served as (106)_A___ for them throughout their lives. Throughout the 1920s the pair had immense success which (107)__C__ the way for Fred's later career. (108)__D__ Adele was dating Lord Charles Cavendish. In 1932 Adele left the act to get married. (109)__B__ a good dancer Fred had a bit of a clumsy look about him. He made a screen test for a major film studio. The studio head had (110)__B__ about Fred. They thought that Fred did not have the (111)__A__ appearance and acting ability to become a star on his own. But (112)__D__ the studio signed Fred because of his initiative and good name. In 1933 still (113)_D___ to make his name in Hollywood he was cast with Ginger Rogers. And after one short dance act together they became an immediate (114)__C__. They were received (115)__A__ well and became Hollywood's most popular couple. (116)__B__ is doubtful that Fred Astaire would have ever made it in Hollywood if he hadn't been paired with Ginger Rogers. It (117)__D__ that he was very lucky.


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英语完形填空的解题思路及方法阿钦要读书了!!!本人惊讶。。。 楼上那位的方法不是可以吗?!如果有些一时之间不适应做不到,你可以先试着去做一些初一的完形,熟练以后再做初二的,谁叫你初一时都在玩呢? 再来呢,就是语...


七年级答完形填空有技巧吗很多人会建议看着选项做完形,但是这样你的思维会受到选项尤其是第一眼看到的选项的限制。总有些空四个选项都有道理。因此做完形的时候我的老师要求我们当成填空来做。 自己...


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