

02月09日 编辑 39baobao.com

[初一英语2人1分钟对话]A:Hey,Jany.Are you free this afternoon?B:Let me see.Ah,I'll be free then. But what's up?A:Excellent!属Let's go shopping.What do you think?B:That's great!But coul...+阅读

错的帮我改一下Unit6 Topic 1 task airplane airline book field mount cycle vehicle group province sleeper journey fund raise come raiser queen draw sell agency bathtub air hotel reservation sunrise appreciate land Topic receive standard principal greet organize stone marriage death survey face south postcard vacation explore cinema look adventure perfect camp imperial mark beginning southern west sacred official camel dynasty northwest airport search kneel east southeast western north sight beat flash crowd space northeast southwest arch middle direction step realize pour slowly toward beside slap huge passage elbow push sweat bug satisfy destination sightseeing diary helmet inagine destroy inside Dragon Guard Notice Thank Treat Historical Topic3 warn wheel broken Hotline condition sharp slow passenger crazy anywhere law victim pdestrian signal rush cross path jam zebra crossroads race Asia avoid pollution truck opposite wall fine Altitude union International Tour timed stage athlete The Italian event top anyone Olympic certain courage cyclist record lead ever-powerful impossible perhaps likely Review look lock including include manager disappear magically cheat tip protect Unit Topic Village successful invitation biscuit hear wrestling champion cheese Olympic University hot . storybook sweet tooth invite extension have green pancake fried napkin cookie Greek n. Indian n. curry pizza Sushi African n. Russian n. India PRC Africa second num. Adj. Surprising in sincerely success Nigerian n. wrestler supply Sandwich Topic Slice soya yum Deep cooker pork cut immediately gentle cut pepper mix snack butter stir-fry minute spread heat lettuce add noisily impolite slurp ham onion finely oil spoon formal somebody glass unfold Europe northern lap drink sip finger sausage steamed Topic on kind-hearted dessert salad ice soft lady gentleman menu beer wine Tsingto smell bill go worth effort bean mushroom main scoop neatly overeat undereat steak lemondnade balanced regularly spaghetti kg(kilogram)n. balance Unit8 raincoat. overcoat natural material wool T-shirt scarf jeans costume handbag cotton formally informally boot generally sportswear woolen leather silk plastic shorts size Australian nearly iron. dry. earring. medium. sheet. Silver Thanksgiving depend dislike style Topic Suitable Uniform Ugly discipline. allow. design. advantage occasion. gatekeeper. clerk. suit. cheongsam. ingormal. sneaker. fashion. shopkeeper. slim. collar. loose. company. business. well-know. attractive. policeman. casual. purple. designer. advise. tight. officer. traditional. minority. decoration. personal. Manchu. banner. ceiling. bullet. hide. kimono. wedding. so-called. fire. pilot. march. high-collared. Topic bottom pocket. Asian. knot. except. celebration. Scottish. fashionable. KFC=Kentuncky overweight. grain. kilt. belt. hardly. mess. European. eve. cloth.


英语两分钟对话两个人的一个人一分钟左右话题以食物A: Hey, you don't look well, what's up? B: Nothing serious, I just didn't sleep well last night. A: Well...that's a problem. Maybe you should try some exercise....

英语:notebook有几个音节?怎么分这不是但音节单词,不谈是开还是闭。 节:音节是读音的基本单位,任何单词的读音,都是分解为一个个音节朗读。在英语中元音特别响亮,一个元音可构成一个音节,一个元音和一个或几个辅...

帮我翻译几个英语的招聘1: supermarkets, Kara OK the transfer. Supermarket floor, second floor, the overall transfer of Kara OK150 square meters. 2: Fabric store purchase. Hankow up an...

翅膀用英语怎么说翅膀:“wing” 短语: 天使翅膀 Angel Wings ; Angell Wing ; Angeltee ; Angel's wings 翅膀攻击 wing attack 炸鸡翅膀 Fried Chicken Wing ; Deep Fried Chicken Wing 一双...

酷毙了用英语怎么说“酷”这个词无论是西方还是东方都是很流行,尤其是在十六七岁的高中生中间。今天我们就来学学“酷”的三个等级表达:酷、太酷了、酷毙了。 1. It's cool! 很好,很棒! Cool 这个...


仁爱9年级上册英语单词表Topic 1cruel 残忍的 proper 恰当的 by the way 顺便说 volunteer 志愿者 bell 钟声 chairwoman 女主席yet 还 grandson 孙子 social 社会的 disabled 残疾的 learn…from…...

仁爱初三上学期英语单词amaze amazing base baseball conversation education escape fragile grateful population safety shape space spaceship wave *danger *waste ad Africa angel anytime a...

谁有仁爱英语九年级上册单词表ancient1 ['einʃənt] adj. 1. (尤指公元476年西罗马帝国灭亡前)古代的,属于古代的,属于世界早期历史的 2. 古老的;远古的;上古的;年代久远的 3. 年老的 4. [戏谑语](形式)古旧的,老...
