

02月09日 编辑 39baobao.com


A: Hey, you don't look well, what's up?

B: Nothing serious, I just didn't sleep well last night.

A: Well...that's a problem. Maybe you should try some exercise.

B: Exercise? I didn't think of that before, what should I do?

A: You can try jogging in the morning, and some yoga in the evening, which will help you get a sound sleep. And when you are free on the weekend, you can go to the gym to try more sports like pingpong or basketball.

B: Wow, that sounds like cool. I bought a treadmill last year but hardly use it. Maybe it's the time to get myself moving. Thanks for your advice. And...by the way, do you often go to the gym? If so, can you call me next time you go?

A: Certainly.




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