
英语生日邀请函 80字左右带翻译谢谢

02月08日 编辑 39baobao.com

[几道历年高考英语题练习请求帮助]1V 修饰situation 2D看到period么,那么肯定用when 3C定语从句whose就是代表The famous scientist 4D只有the same place没有same place,因为是地点所以用where 5C遇到这种___...+阅读

April 20, 2009 (靠右写) 2009年4月20日(靠右写) Dear BILL, 亲爱的比尔, This Sunday is my twenty birthday party. I'm writing to inviting you to at my home at 6pm. As my best friends, I hope you can come. I also have invited many of our classmates, some of whom you have met before. There will be lots of entertainments and plenty of food and drink. You can be dressed casually. 这个星期天是我的20岁生日聚会。我写信是想邀请你到我家,下午6点。作为我最好的朋友,我希望你能来。我也邀请了我们的许多同学,其中一些你以前见过面。将会有大量的娱乐和充足的食物和饮料。你可以穿着随便。 I do hope to see you at my birthday party. I will be waiting for your response. 我希望看到你在我的生日聚会。我将会等待你的回应。 Yours sincerely, (靠右写) 你的真诚,(靠右写) Allen(靠右写) 艾伦(靠右写)


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