

02月06日 编辑 39baobao.com

[有关英语的班会主持词]hello,everyone!today we'll hold a class meetting about english.by learning english we have get a lot of pleasure,we know that english is beciming a global langu...+阅读

长篇阅读其实是从改革前的快速阅读题型改编而来,其归根结底还是考查快速扫读、获取信息的能力。所谓快速阅读,是指在短时间内迅速找到并提取关键信息。在不要求全部读完甚至完全读懂的情况下,你要做的就是在文章段落里尽可能又快又准确地找到和题干匹配的段落。 也就是说,比拼眼力、比拼速度是关键!在此,笔者推荐大家采取“先题后文”的提速策略。 之所以要采取“先题后文”的策略,是因为先阅读内容较少的题干,再去匹配内容较多的各个段落,大脑记忆的信息量会相对较少,便于定位和匹配。而在实际提取题干关键信息的过程中,注意观察是否有如下两类词:大写字母(人名、地名、机构名和专有名词等)和带连字符的单词。 这两类单词因为本身说法固定,不容易替换成其他词。 例如: Gender-awareness education is becoming more and more popkpop和爵士的区别kpop和爵士的区别ular in state-subsin和cos是什么sin和cos是什么a.com.cn/jxwd/CFFVcJrjKJ.html">sub什么意思字母圈里


求一篇英语导游欢迎词!去文库,查看完整内容> 内容来自用户:诓菜市场韭 XX英语导游欢迎词 欢迎词,下面小编推荐导游欢迎词大全,欢迎阅读,更多信息可继续留意! 英语导游欢迎词【1】 Good afternoon, ladie...

衬衫的英语怎么写衬衫的英文:shirt、blouse 参考例句: 1、Scrub dirty shirts.刷洗脏衬衫 2、Sew the parts of the shirt together.把衬衫各部分缝在一起 3、Those pants clash with that shi...

衬衫的英语衬衫 shirt; overshirt; blouse; undies: 男衬衫 shirt 女衬衫 blouse; shirt 短袖衬衫 sports shirt 硬领衬衫 stiff-collared shirt 现成的衬衫 ready-made shirt 缝补衬...

一百以内数字英语单词1 one 2 two 3 three 4 four 5 five 6 six 7 seven 8 eight 9 nine 10 ten 11 eleven 12 twelve 13 thirteen 14 fourteen 15 fifteen 16 sixteen 17 seventeen 18 eighteen...

转移注意力的英语单词怎么拼写这个单词可以死背也可以用比较聪明的办法背比如形象记忆 举个很简单的例子,我下面说一组东西你看一遍然后不看自己复述看看能记得多少:鸡蛋,勺子,肥皂,小河,云,雨,江河湖海 记得几个...

求一篇英语求职信本人地址邮编日期 对方地址邮编 Dear sir or madam: I was interested to read in …, that you require air-hostesses. I am 2X years old and I have graduated from 河南...

帮忙写一篇英语应聘信Dear Mr./Ms. xxx, I was delighted when I saw your advertisement for a part-time journalist position in Tianjin Daily January 17.I would like to apply this posit...

求写英语求职信My name is Wang Manli.I am 24 years old.I majored in business management.I graduated from Longjiang Technology Institute,and receive excellen grades in all cour...

英语写一篇应聘信Hello, my mane is Tim, I want to be a student guide. I willing to accompany the friend from America to visit HuangPu in this winter holidays. I am comprehend Hu...
