

02月06日 编辑 39baobao.com

[英语中分数怎么表示]分数 表示分数时,分子要用基数词,分母用序数词。如果分子大于1,分母必须用复数形式: 1/3→a(one)third 2/3→two thirds 1/4→a(one)quarter(或fourth) 3/7→three sevenths 1/2→...+阅读

UNDERGRADUATE个别专业的成绩是特殊的,这里列的只是一般的成绩。 UNDERGRADUATE个别专业的成绩是特殊的,这里列的只是一般的成绩。Arizona State University Pre-Professional Programs - Total Score: 61 Professional Programs - Total Score: 79Austin Community College Total Score: 71Boston University - College of Arts and Sciences, School of Education, College of Engineering, College of Fine Arts, School of Hospitality Administration, Sargent College Reading: 21 Listening: 18 Speaking: 23 Writing: 22Boston University - College of General Studies, School of Management Reading: 25 Listening: 21 Speaking: 23 Writing: 22Calvin College Total Score: 80Carson-Newman College Total Score: 79Central Queensland University Associate Degree - Total Score: 61, including a score of 17 or more in the Writing section Undergraduate Degree - Total Score: 79, including a score of 20 or more in the Writing sectionColumbia International University Total Score: 80Columbus State Community College Total Score: 54-55Grand Valley State University Total Score: 80Howard Community College Total Score: 74-75Irvine Valley College Total Score: 52Johnson County Community College Total Score: 61Lakehead University Total Score: 80Lehigh UniversityMinimum university scores that students should not fall below to be admitted without some remedial language assistance.Individual skill section score recommendations are as follows: Reading: 21 Listening: 15 Speaking: 24 Writing: 25 Total Score: 85Lincoln University - New Zealand Total Score: 79Manhattanville College Total Score: 80, with the following minimum section requirements Reading: 20 Listening: 18 Speaking: 20 Writing: 22Maryville College Total Score: 74, with a minimum of 18 for each section Medgar Evers College - City University of New York Total Score: 52Miami Dade College Total Score: 79Middle Tennessee State University Total Score: 61Murray State University Minimum section requirements Reading: 18 Listening: 18 Speaking: 18 Writing: 18New York Institute of Technology Total Score: 61-79 Students who score 79 or above are not required to take the internal English Placement Exam Students who score between 61-78 must take the internal English Placement Exam upon arrival to NYIT and prior to registrationNorth Carolina State University Total Score: 79North Dakota State University Total Score: 70North Park University Total Score: 80, with a minimum of 18 for each sectionNorthern Kentucky University Total score for cBT: 173 Total score for pBT: 500 Total score for iBT: 61Northwestern State University Total Score: 61, with a minimum of 20 for Speaking and for WritingOhio State University Total Score: 71Old Dominion University Total Score: 79-80Oregon State Total Score: 80, with a minimum of 16 for each section Total Score: 60 for conditional admission, with no section requirementsPepperdine University Total Score: 80Santa Fe Community College Total Score: 66Savannah College of Art & Design Total Score: 85, with the following minimum section requirements Reading: 18 Listening: 20 Speaking: 23 Writing: 24Seattle Central Community College Total Score: 68, with a minimum of 18 for WritingSimon Fraser University Total score: 88, with a minimum of 20 for each section A lesser requirement of 76 is sufficient for entry to the English Bridge ProgramSt. Thomas University Total Score CBT: 197 Total Score PBT: 527 Total Score iBT: 71State University of New York - Albany Total Score: 79State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry (SUNY ESF) - Syracuse Total Score CBT: 213 Total Score PBT: 550 Total Score iBT: 79Swinburne University of Technology Total Score: 80 Total Score: 71 for Foundation and Degree Transfer ProgramsSyracuse University Total Score: 80 The University of the Arts Total Score: 61University of Arkansas Total Score: 80University of British Columbia Total Score: 86, with the following minimum section requirements Reading: 21 Listening: 21 Speaking: 20 Writing: 20 University of Denver Total Score: 70 Students with scores between 70-88 are required to take an additional English test on the day of orientationUniversity of Lethbridge Total Score: 80University of North Texas Total Score: 79, with the following minimum section requirements Reading: 20 Listening: 21 Speaking: 19 Writing: 27University of Pittsburgh Total Score: 80University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Total Score: 61University of Texas - San Antonio Total Score: 100 for admission with exemption from the UTSA English Languag...


美国排名前十的学校所需SAT及托福成绩是多少美国顶尖大学前十名排行榜 第一名加州理工学院CaliforniaInstituteofTechnology 第二名哈佛大学HarvardUniversity 第三名麻省理工学院MassachusettsInstituteofTechnology...

今年高考的录取分数线是多少第一批本科院校文科类最低控制分数线587分,理科类为585分。以下为各批次录取最低控制分数线: 一、 第一批本科院校(含执行本批次最低控制分数线的提前批本科院校及外语专业) 文...

今年高考分数线是多少一、第一批本科院校(含执行本批次最低控制分数线的提前批本科院校及外语专业) 文科类:总分570分。 理科类:总分564分。 体育类:文化科总分:366分,体育术科84分。 美术类:文化科总分:3...


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