

02月06日 编辑 39baobao.com

[雅思口语第三部分主要怎么考]当面试官要求您问他/她一些问题来收集资料时,您知道第三阶段已经开始。这可以算是一种角色扮演游戏。想在这个阶段取得高分,您必须做到以下几点: 1)明白自己角色的处境并知道自...+阅读

1、如果你是学生就回答:I am now a student. I am studying in (你的学校). I am a (年级,比如freshman是一年级生). 如果你是在工作了就回答:I am working now. I have been working for *** years.

2、如果是学生就回答:I am major in (你的专业). 如果是工作了就回答:I am now a (你的职业).

3、如果你是学生(以国际贸易为例):I like my major, I learn quite a lot in studying. As China has been an important country in the world, more and more countries choose to trade with China. Learning this major can help me to know what should I care when doing business with foreigners. 如果你是工作了(以护士为例):I am a nurse. It's obvious that I am working in a hospital. I want to be a nurse since I am a child. So I really love my job. I will devote myself in helping the pacients.

4、如果是学生(以国际贸易为例):My father is a businessman who do business with foreigners. I want to help him. I am interested in this major and ready to study well. 如果是工作了(以护士为例):When I was a child, I know this career from TV. The nurses on TV were very kindhearted and full of devotion. I want to be one of them. So I choose this job.

5、对工作的不满和喜欢的地方(以护士为例):I am a nurse. So when I see the smile on pacients' face when they are healed, I am happiest. I like to see people walk out of the hospital to build their bright future. I am working in the hospital, I have to face that some people leave us forever. When the ones I take care leave, I can't help crying. In a word, no matter how sad I will be in this career, I will still love this job. To help people is my dream.

6、专业和学校的好处和坏处(以师范学校中的国贸专业为例):I am study in QZ Normal University, major in International Trade. In my opinion, studying this major should have a good atmosphere. But in our school, our major is not considered with full attentions. Most of our schools majors are set to cultivate teachers. On the other hand, the facilities in my school are perfect. The trees are green in our school, we can hear the birds singing happily everyday. We have the students from different cities in China. We learn from each other.


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