

02月03日 编辑 39baobao.com

[形容景色美的英语词语有哪些]1、beautiful adj. 美丽的、出色的、迷人的 Beautiful World 美丽世界;Beautiful Morning 美好的清晨;Beautiful campus 美丽的校园 2、fantastic adj. 奇异的;空想的;极好的,极...+阅读

I asked her to stay but she wouldn't listen

And she left before I had the chance to say


The words that would mend the things that were broken

But now it's far too late, she's gone away

Every night you cry yourself to sleep

Thinking: "Why does this happen to me?

Why does every moment have to be so hard?"

Hard to believe that

It's not over tonight

Just give me one more chance to make it right

I may not make it through the night

I won't go home without you

The taste of your breath, I'll never get over

And the noises that she made kept me awake


The weight of things that remained unspoken

Built up so much it crushed us everyday

Every night you cry yourself to sleep

Thinking: "Why does this happen to me?

Why does every moment have to be so hard?"

Hard to believe that

It's not over tonight

Just give me one more chance to make it right

I may not make it through the night

I won't go home without you

Oh it's not over tonight

Just give me one more chance to make it right

I may not make it through the night

I won't go home without you

Oh of all the things I felt but never really shown

Perhaps the worst is that I ever let you go

I should not ever let you go, oh oh oh

It's not over tonight

Just give me one more chance to make it right

I may not make it through the night

I won't go home without you

It's not over tonight

Just give me one more chance to make it right

I may not make it through the night

I won't go home without you

And I won't go home without you

And I won't go home without you

And I won't go home without you

Won't Go Home Without You - Maroon 5


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