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[考研复试专业课笔试该如何做好备考准备]作者 纸盆1、列出知识框架专业课的知识很广泛也很零碎,这就需要我们对这些知识点进行梳理整合了,整理成一个知识框架,这样众多知识点互相联系成一个网络,复习的时候也能相互...+阅读


姓名: 准考证号:

第一部分 听 力


第二部分 英语知识运用

第一节 单项填空


例: Bob and I made __________ agreement last Monday.

[A]a [B]an [C]any


26. The floor of his living-room is __________ pieces of paper.

[ A ] covered with [ B ] put on [ C ] filled in

27. Be sure to tell Joe e too close to the horses.

[ A ]don't [ B ]not to [ C ]not

28. Sally __________ in Suzhou and is now fifteen years old.

[ A ] is born [ B ] was born [ C ] has been born

29. I like the film. Its music is __________ .

[ A ] beauty [ B ] beautiful [ C ] beautifully

30. The teacher came in and told the class __________ talking.

[ A ] to stop [ B ] stops [ C ] stopped

31." You didn't like it, did you?"

"Yes, __________ "

[A]I did [B]I didn't [C]I didn't like it

32. Let me see. Yes, he has __________ moved to New York.

[ A ] still [ B ] already [ C ] yet

33. How much did you __________ for the puter?

[ A ] spend [ B ] cost [ C ] pay

34. They told her the good news __________ they heard it.

[ A ] before [ B ] though [ C ] as soon as

35. There used __________ a bookstore at the er of the street.

[ A ] to be [ B ] to being [ C ] to he

36. You __________ sick. Is there anything wrong with you?

[ A ] get [ B ] look [ C ] turn

37. The book's written by my brother. Don't you find it __________ .

[ A ] interested [ B ] interesting [ C ] interest

38. Can you help me? I can' t find my key __________ the door anywhere.

[ A ]with [ B ]in [ C ]to

39. Sally must be very sad. She was __________ crying in her bedroom.

[ A ] to see [ B ] seen [ C ] seeing

40. Mary is a famous writer though she is still __________ her twenties.

[ A ] about [ B ] on [ C ] in



The doctor looked ( Example:___0___ ) the boy' s throat (喉咙), and listened to his heart.

41 he asked Bobby and his mother a few ___42___ 。

At last the doctor said, "You' ll be well again by dinner time, my boy. "

"Oh, Doctor! Do you ___43___think so?" Bobby's mother ___44___ very happy.

Dr. Smith answered, "Mrs. Adams, your son has a sickness. ___45___ is very mon ( 常见的 ) to boys who like football at a time ___46___ this. It es and goes very quickly. "

"Today," the doctor told her, "the ___47___ important football game of the year is on television. ___48___ Bobby feels well enough ___49___ television this afternoon, and I think he does, he will be ___50___ when the game is finished. "

41. [ A ] Then [ B ] so [ C ] But

42. [ A ] words [ B ] problems [ C ] questions

43. [ A ] really [ B ] always [ C ] usually

44. [ A ]looks [ B ]has looked [ C ] looked

45. [ A ] There [ B ] This [ C ] He

46. [ A ] like [ B ] as [ C ] of

47. [ A ] much [ B ] more [ C ] most

48. [ A ] Until [ B ] Because [ C ] If

49. [ A ] to watch [ B ] watching [ C ] watches

50. [ A ] sad [ B ]fine [ C ] glad




51. People grow plants or Vegetables there. [ A ] breakfast

52. It is the first meal of the day. [ B ] dinner

53. People and cars trel on it. [ C ] airport

54. It is sweet and used in food and drinks. [ D ] farm

55. People get on or off planes there. [ E ] hotel

[ F ] sugar

[ G ]road


阅读下面短文,从[A](Right)、[B](Wrong)、[C](Doesn't Say)三个判断中选择一个正确选项,并在答题卡1上将该项涂黑。

I once read a story about a fisherman(渔民)。This fisherman did not go fishing every day.Instead,he often lay on the bank enjoying the sunshine.Someone asked him why he did not spend his time catching more fish SO that he could make mole money and live a mole fortable(舒适的)life.His answer was:"I am living a fortable life!"

I could not help thinking about the lives that many people are used to living.They give all

their time to their work.They often sleep little and eat just enough to keep themselves going in order to make and se money day after day.I don't think that what they do is not fight.but the difference between their life and that of the fisherman is very great.

The fisherman may not be very rich,yet it does not stop him from feeling happy.Many of us think that money is the greatest source(源泉)of joy.But if we spend all our time working for it,do we fet how to enjoy the pleasure of life?

56.The story of the fisherman is true.

[A]Right [B]Wrong [C]Doesn't Say

57.According to the writer,the fisherman was living a fortable life.

[A]Right [B]Wrong [C]Doesn't Say

58.The story of the fisherman made the writer think about people's ways of living.

[A]Right [B]Wrong [C]Doesn't Say

59.The writer doesn't think much of the fisherman.

[A]Right [B]Wrong [C]Doesn't Say

60.According to the writer,money is the only source of pleasure in life.

[A]Right [B]Wrong [C]Doesn't Say





Good morning,ladies and gentlemen.May I draw your attention(注意)to the book Safety in

flight ?You will find the book in the pocket at the back of the seat in front of you and we ask you to read it.You'11 also find a newspaper and you may find it interesting.For those of you not familiar with this kind of plane,you can smoke on the left hand side of the passenger cabin(机舱),once the signs at the front of the cabin he been turned off,and at no time in the toilet at the back I of the plane.We he a duty-free(免税的)bar on the plane and cigarettes,beer and mineral water will be on sale during the flight.If you he any questions during the flight,please ask our four I hostesses(空姐)。Would you now please fasten(系紧)your seat belts to get ready for take-off? We wish you a pleasant flight! Thank you.

61.The announcement is made .

[A]during the flight [B].before taking off [C]after taking off.

62.People are asked .

[A]to read the book Safety in Flight

[B]to find out where they can smoke

[C]to buy something during the flight

63.Can people smoke in the plane?

[A]No,they can't.

[B]Yes,but only in some areas of the plane.

[c]Yes,but only in the cabin.

64.People in the plane can .

[A]he a good sleep

[B]he some small girls

[C]buy some duty-free things

65.We learn from the text that .

[A]the passengers will he a morning flight

[B]they will he meals during the flight

[c]the plane is going to fly across a mountain


When I was 12,something happened(发生)to me that changed my interest.

We lived near a wood and every evening birds would sing beautifully in the trees.1 wanted to catch a young bird and keep it in a cage(鸟笼)SO that 1 would he my own singer.

I did get one and put it in a cage.At first the bird flew about in the cage.but after a while it became quiet in its new home.I felt very happy and looked forward to some beautiful singing from my little singer.

On the second day,its mother flew to the cage with food.The baby bird ate everything.I was pleased to see this.Surely the mother knew better than 1 what her baby liked.

The next morning,I found the bird dead.What happened? I had taken good care of the bird.

or so I thought.

Arthur Wayne told me the reason."A mother bird,finding her baby in a cage,will sometimes bring it poison berries(毒草莓)。She thinks it is better for it to die than to live in a cage."

Never since then he I caught any living bird and put it in a cage.

66.The boy wanted to keep a bird in a cage .

[A]So that he could listen to it sing every day

[B]because he thought birds liked to live in cages

[C]in order to he more birds flying into his house

67.What happened on the third day?

[A]The bird got out of the cage.

[B]The mother bird came to help her baby.

[C]The baby bird was found dead.

68.How did the boy feel when he saw what happened to the bird?

[A]He was surprised.

[B]He was pleased.

[C]He was angry.

69.What did the mother bird e to the cage for?

[A]To end her baby's life.

[B]To bring her baby some food.

[C]To sing together with her baby.

70.From the story we know that .

[A]the storyteller liked music very much

[B]the storyteller was a bird lover

[C]the storyteller is now a boy of 12

第四部分 写作



71. Last Saturday Peter and I took to a taxi to the shopping center.

Last Saturday Peter and I went to the shopping center 。

72. I bought my father a pair of shoes for forty dollars.

I bought a pair of shoes for my father, and they __________ forty dollars.

73. Peter lent me fifty dollars and I bought a radio.

I __________ from Peter and bought a radio.






● 你因何不能去;

● 建议何时再去;

● 你们如何再联系。


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