

02月02日 编辑 39baobao.com

[夏季吃什么养生]1:虾皮苦瓜 苦瓜洗净,剖开,用小勺刮去籽和白色内层。切成薄片,加适量盐腌渍15分钟后滗去水分。油烧热,先放入葱花、虾皮煸香,再放入苦瓜旺火快速翻炒2分钟,放少许味精拌匀即可。此...+阅读

你说的是一首英文歌吧!你这翻译也是醉了~如果我没有猜错应该是maroon 5 《suger》Sugar演唱:Maroon 5I'm hurtin baby, I'm broken downI need your lovin, lovin I need it nowWhen I'm without ya, I'm somethin weakYa got me beggin beggin, I'm on my kneesI don't wanna be needin your loveI just wanna be deep in your loveAnd it's killin me when you're away (ohh baby)Cause I really don't care where you areI just wanna be there where you areAnd I gotta get one little tasteYour sugar yes please won't you come and put it down on meI'm right here cause I need little love a little sympathyYa you show me good lovin make it alrightNeed a little sweetness in my lifeYour sugar yes please won't you come and put it down on meMy broken pieces you pick them upDon't leave me hangin hangin come give me someWhen I'm without ya so insecureYou are the one thing one thing I'm livin forI don't wanna be needin your loveI just wanna be deep in your loveAnd it's killin me when you're away (ohh baby)Cause I really don't care where you areI just wanna be there where you areAnd I gotta get one little tasteYour sugar yes please won't you come and put it down on meI'm right here cause I need little love a little sympathyYa you show me good lovin make it alrightNeed a little sweetness in my lifeYour sugar yes please won't you come and pour it down on meI want that red velvet I want that sugar sweetDon't let nobody touch it unless that somebody's meI gotta be your man there ain't no other wayCause girl you're hotter than a southern California dayI don't wanna play no games you don't gotta be afraidDon't give me all that shy shit no make up on that's my (sugar)Sugar yes please won't you come and put it down on meI'm right here cause I need little love a little sympathyYa you show me good lovin make it alrightNeed a little sweetness in my lifeYour sugar yes please won't you come and put it down on meSugar yes please won't you come a


夏季吃什么食物养生一般来说,夏季多吃些下面推荐的食物有助于养生: 1、绿豆、赤豆、小米等各种主食均可,适当食用粗粮和豆制品。 2、猪瘦肉、牛肉、鱼肉、鸡肉、鸭肉、动物肝脏等,奶及奶制品,咸鸭蛋...

夏季吃什么最养生炎炎夏日,气候湿热,万物繁茂。养生专家提示,夏季养生应该注重清心去火。此时,运用饮食的营养作用养生益寿,是减少疾病、防止衰老的有效保证。那么,夏季养生吃什么最补、最养生呢? 1...

夏天吃什么最养生一、夏季养生多吃清热解暑的食物 当出现心烦焦躁、胸闷、头晕等中暑现象,不妨吃一些清热解暑之品。如:绿豆,黄瓜,苦瓜 二、夏季养生多吃利水去湿的食物。 夏季雨水较多,此时人体...

夏天吃什么比较养生夏季养生食谱 炎热的夏季,是人体消耗最大的季节。在高温环境生活和工作,人体的生理和营养代谢必然会受到一定的影响。人们必须重视夏天的饮食调养,这是因为当人在炎热的环境中...

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