

02月02日 编辑 39baobao.com


楼主你好,我给你提供一些.一.观点对比 模板1:第一段:引出主题1. I'm writing to tell you the discussion we've had about whether …(我写信告诉你我班关于某事的讨论) Opinions are divided on this matter.(There are two different viewpoints about it . / Among them there are two types of attitude in….在…方面有两种态度)2. Recently I have made a survey about whether… (最近我对是否…作了一次调查). 100 people accepted my survey. Among them there are two types of attitude.第二段:观点对比(展开)1. 60% of the students are for the idea of doing … 60%的同学赞成做某事的想法). They believe that… Besides, … Above all, … However / On the other hand, 40% of them don't think so / don't agree with them. In their opinion, … They suggest that…2. 30% of them think that… and that… Athother 30% are agaisnt the idea of doing… they believe that… The rest / other 40% don't agree either of the ideas above.(其余的40%不赞成以上任一种观点) In their opinion, … 第三段:陈述自己的看法1. in my opinion / From my point of view, … 2. As far as I know, ….结尾句:Only when we… can we do … Only in this way can we do… 模板2: The topic about … is becoming more and more popular in our school recently. There are two sides of opinion about it. Some students prefer to consider doing sth.(或 Some students say … is their favorite.) they think that… (理由一). What's more, …(理由二). Moreover, … (理由三) However, others believe … is a better choice for three reasons. (然而,其余的人认为做某事是一种较好的选择,有三个方面的理由) to begin with, … (理由一). Next, .. In addition, … From my point of view, the former is surely a wise choice. The reason is that…(或者用:As far as I am concerned, I firmly surport the view that…(依我来看,我坚决支持这种观点… that引导同位语从句) 模板3:好处与坏处的对比1. In recent years, … has been popular.There are many advantages in…. First, … Second, …. Third, … However, there're some disadvantages. …. (之一). Besides, ….(之二). Also, …. (之三) In my opinion, it is true that advantages are more than disadvantages.(依我看,的确是好处多于坏处) I think…2. One big advantage of … is that…. / One obvious advantage of … is …. / Finally, … While it is true that …. has many advantages, it is also important to realise that….(虽然某事确实有许多好处,但是意识到…也很重要。


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