

01月28日 编辑 39baobao.com


A sample presentation: Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Zhang Dawei. I'm the CEO of ***Computer Sales Company. The aim of this presentation is to tell you about our company's financial performance and our plans for the next year. First, I'll tell you about the company's sales in the last three quarters, and then I'll look at turnover and profit over the last three quarters, and finally I'll give you an outline of what we are planning for the next year. I'd like to draw your attention to this graph. It shows sales for the last three quarters. As you can see, sales dropped sharply in the second quarter because of the SARS disaster. But sales have increased satisfactorily in the third quarter. On the whole, we have been doing well in our sales. Now let's turn to turnover and profit over the last three quarters. The chart shows that we suffered profit loss in the second quarter, but our turnover and profit gained a good increase in the third quarter. We are generally happy with our financial performance. Let me now move on to our plans for the future. We are going to spend more money on our promotion programs to introduce new models to the market. We are going to appoint a new marketing manager, who we hope will bring a more dynamic approach to marketing and will help to bring in more customers. As a result of these measures, we think that a 15% increase in sales of our computers next year is realistic. To conclude, we expect our sales, turnover and profit all to continue to increase. After we make some improvements to our market performance and customer service, we hope to reach a 15% rise next year. Thank you very much for your attention! 第五象限小组真诚为您解答 期待您的加入 如有错误请谅解 如想进一步交流请与QQ 404410354联系



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