

01月26日 编辑 39baobao.com

[写一封外贸函电要求BEC词汇全英文]展开全部 We have received your letter of June 1st, at your request, asking for covering insurance against All risks for USD $ 78600 on the captional goods on yo...+阅读

we have received your letter dated 23 July requesting us to effect insurance on the captioned for your account. 我方已经收到贵方于7月23号的信件,信件中要求我方以贵方帐户,为标题中提到的货物投保。 we are pleased to inform you that we have covered the above shipment with the peoples insurance company of Chian against ALL Risks for $2300.The policy is being prepared accordingly and will be sent to you by the end of this week together with our debit note for the premium. 很高兴通知贵方我们已经在中国人民保险公司为您以上提及的货物投了一切险,险额$2300。保单将在本周未同保费收费清单一道寄给您。 For your information ,we are making arrangements to ship the 500 cases of toys by S/S Tai Hu,sailing on or about 12 of August 贵方的500箱玩具,我方将安排8月12号左右,Tai Hu(太湖?)号的船期供贵方参考。


求一篇100多单词的外贸函电道歉信dear Mr smith: You and my boss are supposed to meet next saturday {自己添加具体时间,月号}.but I have to say sorry to you ,since he has some problem, which is an...

求高手帮忙解答外贸函电的专业术语!中英互译1装运通知,又叫做下货纸 2中性包装 即既不表明国别又不表明品牌的包装 3目的港 4FULL CONTAINER LOAD整箱装 5FREE ON BOARD 装运港船上交货 6商业发票 7空白背书 8BILL OF L...

外贸函电专业词汇的翻译10.shipment advice 11.by draft at sight. 12.file a claim with sb for some reasons 13.arrival draft 14.W.P.A. with particular average 15.collection 16.free from...

请求高手翻译外贸赔偿条款信用证函电这些条款都是对于供应商延迟交货等行为的处罚,大体意思如下: 1,如果在预定承运船到达日期前5天,没有收到正本单据,对延迟的每一天扣减100美元。 2. 如果超过了经确认的订单的货物...

商务英语函电的常用句型有哪些1。Please accept our thanks for the trouble you have taken。 有劳贵方,不胜感激。 2。We are obliged to thank you for your kind attention in this matter。 不胜感激...

商务英语函电翻译:To: Glad to reach the deal of 1000 sewing machine by the two sides exchanging telegraph recently . We enclosed our order No. TH112 ,packaging and shipment detai...

商务函电的英文定义business corresondence is letter which is used for delivering information and handle buisness affairs,contacting with eachothers in daily communication.the ofte...

帮忙翻译下这篇英语商务函电 100个字左右的There are 14 days away from the issue of the end of 1 hour 文章如下关于我们购物确认书345号项下的5000条白兔牌毛毯,现通知你们你方,我们已经由XX银行开立了保兑的,不可撤...

商务英语函电翻译In the last letter,we have reasserted our customary terms of payment that is confirmed,irrvocable Letter of Credit in favor of us payable at sight draft.The cov...
