
帮忙翻译下这篇英语商务函电 100个字左右的

01月26日 编辑 39baobao.com

[两人英语对话不要太短也不要太长简单点]A: Are you happy with the computer you bought recently? B: Yes. I'm really pleased with it. It works fine for my needs.I can't say how satisfied I am. A: What d...+阅读

There are 14 days away from the issue of the end of 1 hour

文章如下关于我们购物确认书345号项下的5000条白兔牌毛毯,现通知你们你方,我们已经由XX银行开立了保兑的,不可撤销的信用证789号,总金额计。 The article is as follows confirmation on our Shopping 345 under the 5000 White Rabbit brand blankets, are to inform you that your side, we have opened a bank by the XX Confirmed, irrevocable letters of credit 789, the total amount of dollars. 。 . 。 . 。 . 。 . 。 . 美元,有效期到8月31号为止请注意上述货物必须在8月底前装运,保险须按发票金额的百分之一百三十投保一切险,我们知道,按照你们的一般惯例,你们只按发票金额另加百分之10的投保,因此额外保险费有我方承担。 U.S. dollars, valid until August 31 so far Please note that the above-mentioned goods must be in by the end of August before the shipment and insurance shall be 130% invoice value against All Risks, we are aware, in accordance with your general practice, you only by invoice plus 10 per cent of the amount insured, so there is our commitment to an additional premium.

请按我方要求置办保险,我方等候你方装船通知。 Please click our request concern and preparation, insurance, shipment notification side waiting for your side.



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