

01月25日 编辑 39baobao.com

[翻译一个英语段落]In the past.saturday afternoon is not to go to school.but now we all day saturday in school.and we have 7 class everyday .after i came home immediately to do my...+阅读

晕~毕业论文呀~`` 可以用金山辞霸去翻译一下~有点毛病也没关系~因为你的老师也不是英语专业,特们也不会看那些东西的~关键是内容嘛 Abstract 我国从80年代初期开始实行工程建设招标投标制度,它是建筑业管理体制和经营方式的一项重大改革,它运用市场竞争机制,树立公平,公开,公正的实施原则,由发包单位择优选定设计单位、施工单位、材料设备供应单位。

China from the early 1980s introduced construction bidding system, it is the construction industry management system and the way business is a major reform of its use of the mechanism of market competition, and establish a fair, open and equitable implementation of the principle of merit selection by the contract unit design, construction units, material and equipment suppliers. 建筑市场的供需状况对工程造价的影响是客观存在的。

Construction market conditions of supply and demand affect the cost of the project is an objective fact. 影响程度的大小取决与市场竞争的状况。 Size depends on the extent to which competition and market conditions. 业主的价值取向反映在招标工程的质量、进度和价格上。 Owners values reflected in the quality of the works tender, progress and prices. 当然,质量好、进度快、造价低是每个业主所期望的,但这并不是理性的,也不符合客观实际。

Of course, good quality, and progress quickly, low cost each of the owners expect, but this is not rational and does not conform to objective reality. 招标过程中,招标文件的编制是十分重要的环节,它既是投标文件编制的依据,也是签订合同的重要的内容之一。 Tender process, the preparation of tender documents is a very important part of it is the basis for the preparation of tender documents, but also an important contract of the contents of the. 对于大型建设项目施工,往往需要划分若干个标段。

For large-scale building projects that often require a number of tenders. 标段的合理划分,对于项的顺利实施和工程造价的控制具有十分重要的意义。 Section of the reasonable, and the smooth implementation of the project cost control is of great significance. 标底作为评标的客观尺度,在招标投标中具有重要作用。 Base Price as an objective evaluation standards in the bidding, play an important role. 关键词:招标、投标、造价、分标、标底 Key words: bidding, cost, sub-standard Base Price


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